Spinning I: Drop Spindle Techniques Workshop

Instructor: Kara Perpelitz
Saturday and Sunday 9:00am-5:00pm
1 weekend: March 1 and March 2
Location: In-person Williams Building room 357
$240 plus $45 materials kit (required)
Prerequisite: None

This weekend course covers the basics of creating wool yarn on a drop spindle. Students will create single yarns and ply them together to create enough serviceable yarn to create a finished item if they wish (not created in class time). This course is foundational in nature, but will cover concepts of colour and twist dynamics, along with methods of fibre and yarn management, and other technical skills required to create yarn.


  • Fibre and yarn management techniques.
  • Spin a stable singles yarn.
  • Join fibres during spinning.
  • Ply two singles together.
  • Understands fibre types and preparations.
  • Wet finish yarn.
  • Complete a skein of yarn.


Materials kit* includes:

  • Wool (6 oz)
  • Drop spindle (1)
  • Use of tools and equipment

* This kit is distributed at the workshop.

** For a brief list of frequently used suppliers, please see Where can I purchase supplies? on our FAQ page.