The College of Arts and Science is grateful for the donors who generously support our students, research, and programs.

Together we will face many critical challenges in the coming years, but also many important opportunities. The College of Arts and Science will be here to meet them, but we need people like you. Connectors who want to be part of the solution. Illuminators who want to lay a path for a generation of students who will change everything.

The world needs leaders, innovators, thinkers, and doers. The world needs problem solvers, and global citizens who will confront the challenges and opportunities ahead. And more than ever, the world needs the College of Arts and Science.

Please join us in answering the call to Be What the World Needs.

Priority Areas for Support

Supporting the education of Arts and Science students—the next generation of scientists, humanitarians, artists and entrepreneurs—is a visionary investment in the future. We are seeking philanthropic support for scholarships and bursaries to build on our commitment to supporting undergraduate students. Graduates of the College of Arts and Science want to change the world. With your support, we know they will.

Indigenous students are eager for education and the opportunities that come with it. USask is strongly committed to reconciliation and Indigenization, and the College of Arts and Science is leading the way with improved student supports, Indigenous learning requirements for all students and faculty hiring practices. But there is much more to be done. Donors will ensure that Inidgenous learners have equal access to education and that more Indigenous students than ever before will graduate, and start their careers, with a USask degree.

Indigenous Student Awards 
Finances are the number one barrier to education for Indigenous students in Saskatchewan. New scholarships and bursaries are critical to boosting rates of Indigenous student enrolment, retention, and—most importantly—graduation.

Tuition is only one part of the equation. The College of Arts and Science is home to innovative academic and cultural programs such as Indigenous Student Achievement Pathways (ISAP), which help close the retention gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous learners. With support from donors, we will build on this success, scaling up existing programs to expand their scope and amplify their effect.

Some of the most important lessons at university happen outside the classroom. Students learn and grow from unforgettable experiences: from working on cutting-edge research with their professors, to getting hands-on training with local employers, to living and studying in a different culture. Today, only a small fraction of College of Arts and Science students take advantage of experiential learning opportunities. Donors will give more College of Arts and Science students the chance to make experiential learning part of their education, no matter their financial means.

Study Abroad
Because of the cost, studying abroad is beyond the reach of most of our students. Donors who support travel awards will make these powerful learning experiences available to more of our hardworking students.

Internship Programs
Nothing beats real-world experience. In today's competitive job market, internships are more important than ever. We need your help in creating more of these opportunities across all disciplines. Philanthropic support will sharpen our students' skills and set them up for success from the moment they graduate.

Undergraduate Student Research
From their first year of studies, College of Arts and Science students can make meaningful contributions to research in the sciences, social sciences, humanities and fine arts. Undergraduates who publish original research create new knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of their coursework. With support from donors, we will create more opportunities for undergraduate students to conduct meaningful research, scholarly and artistic work in studios, in laboratories and in the community.

The College of Arts and Science is a unique place for research. Every day, more than 300 faculty members and thousands of students apply their diverse skills and perspectives to the problems that matter most. Research changes lives. It creates economic opportunities. It offers solutions to local challenges and urgent global issues. Your support of College of Arts and Science research is a lasting investment in our province and our world.

Chairs and Professorships
Endowed and enhanced chairs and professorships are donor-supported faculty positions that focus on targeted areas of research. With donor funding, the College of Arts and Science can recruit some of the world's best minds to deliver research breakthroughs.

Graduate Research Fellowships
Graduate fellowships allow us to attract the most promising graduate students whose research will change the world. Your support will expand our graduate research fellowships and help train the next generation of researchers, innovators, thought leaders and creatives.

Centre for Indigenous Scholarship
A new centre based in the College of Arts and Science will be a hub for scholarship and artistic work done in partnership with Indigenous communities. The Centre for Indigenous Scholarship will create mentorship opportunities, provide support to Indigenous faculty and student researchers, and share their work widely. Support from donors will fund scholarships, travel, equipment and more to help advance vital Indigenous research in Saskatchewan and beyond.

Ways to Give

Use our secure online form to make your gift using a credit card.

A staff member is available Monday to Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM CST to process your gift over the phone.

All cheques must be made payable to the "University of Saskatchewan". Include this form to indicate the direction of your gift and mail to the following address: 

University Relations
G16 Thorvaldson Building
110 Science Pl.
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5C9

Support the College of Arts and Science while reducing your capital gains tax. To facilitate an electronic transfer of securities, please complete this Request for Transfer of Securities form and provide a copy to both the University of Saskatchewan and your financial planner. 

Leave a lasting legacy in the College of Arts and Science through a gift in your Will or life insurance policy and reduce the tax on your estate. Find more information here or contact our office. 

Are you a USask staff or faculty member? Make your gift through the convenience of payroll deduction. Support your favourite department or initiative though a one-time or an ongoing donation. Set up your payroll deduction gift using this form.

The generosity of our donors has led to the establishment of research chairs, endowed scholarships, and impactful programs and experiential learning opportunities. We aim to be what the world needs and are grateful to our donors who help make this possible. We invite you to reach out for a personal discussion on how your gift can drive transformative change. 

Impact of giving

Frequently Asked Questions



