
Congratulations, you have chosen to participate in the ONLINE 5-week EXPLORE Spring Intensive French Immersion Program at the University of Saskatchewan! The principal objective of our program is to improve your SPOKEN French. So be ready to SPEAK French and have FUN too! PLEASE NOTE: All classes and workshops are posted in Central Standard Time.

For any questions or if having trouble registering, please contact Gisèle Piché, University of Saskatchewan EXPLORE Program Director, by phone at 306-966-4355 or by email at gisele.piche@usask.ca.

Obtaining credit

You may choose to have this 5-week French Immersion program recognized as 6-credit unit course at the University of Saskatchewan or at your home university. 

All students who wish to receive credit for the Explore French Immersion Program must obtain a letter of permission from the appropriate department and faculty at their home institution and must order an official transcript for $10.

It is highly recommended that the letter of permission:

  • Be obtained prior to the beginning of the program.
  • Outlines exactly what your home institution requires in order for credit to be granted, i.e. level of study in French, final grade percentage, person and address where the official transcript is to be sent, and student number at your home institution.
  • Be sent directly to Gisèle Piché at gisele.piche@usask.ca


Our program is based on mastery of language over a period of intensive study, particularly the speaking and listening components. Permissions to be absent from the program are not given. As a condition of the bursary, students must be 100% available for the program at all times. Students can be absent up to a maximum of 10% of class time. If a student exceeds 10% for example if illness continually prevents a student from attending class, activities or workshops, they will be asked to discontinue.


During the program, there are scheduled French Immersion workshops for students. These are compulsory for all students. Every student must be registered for 5 workshops. Please note that these workshops group students according to interest and not according to their level of French proficiency.

These will be announced soon!

Required Activities


This Wanuskewin online program is an opportunity for you to understand the rich history of the park and the Plains Indigenous people who have lived in the area for thousands of years! Students and instructors will participate in a virtual workshop: Northern Plains Technology: The Bison. Programming fees are covered by the Explore Program.

Chasse au Trésor interglactique

This online scavenger hunt event offers participants of various levels challenges designed to help students discover the University of Saskatchewan and beyond, with some links to Le Petit Prince.