Deferred Exams

Students in the College of Arts and Science may request a deferred examination if they experience an extenuating circumstance that impacts their ability to write their final exam on the scheduled day and time.

There are two types of deferred exams. A regular deferred exam can be requested if a student misses their scheduled final exam. A special deferred exam can be requested if a student misses their regular deferred exam. A special deferred exam is the student’s last option for writing their final exam.

Please review the information below before submitting your request in order to confirm your eligibility, and to ensure you include all necessary information. Your request will not be reviewed until a supporting document has been submitted. If you have questions about what to submit for a supporting document, please call our office at 306-966-4231.

It is the responsibility of the student to ensure their request is complete (including supporting documentation) and submitted by the deadline. 

  • Requests for deferred exams must be submitted within three working days of the scheduled exam.
  • Requests must be submitted online via the Arts and Science Channel in PAWS.
  • Supporting documentation must also be uploaded within three working days of the scheduled exam.
  • Within ten working days of the close of the final examination period, the student and instructor will be notified of the decision.
  • Fees will be applied to your student account upon the approval of your deferred exam: $40.00 for regular deferred exams, and $80.00 for special deferred exams.

An extenuating circumstance is a situation or challenge beyond the student's control that negatively affects the student's well-being, and/or lowers their typical level of functioning.

The relationship between the extenuating circumstance and the student's inability to write their exam must be apparent. In other words, the extenuating circumstance itself, or the impact of the extenuating circumstance, must correspond with the exam window.

The extenuating circumstance, and the relationship of the extenuating circumstance to the student’s inability to write their exam, must be verified through a letter of support from a relevant third party.

Examples of extenuating circumstances:

  • death of a family member or personal friend
  • family emergency
  • physical or mental health issues
  • challenges related to institutional transition
  • undiagnosed learning challenges
  • criminal or legal emergency

NOTE: these are examples only and as such are not a complete list. Please contact the Undergraduate Student Office at 306-966-4231 if you have questions.

Supporting documents must verify the extenuating circumstance described by the student, and the supporting document must correspond to the date of the exam.

Examples of supporting documentation:

  • obituary, death certificate, or memorial service document
  • doctor’s note from a licensed medical professional
  • letter from a licensed counsellor or psychologist
  • police report or legal documentation

NOTE: these are examples only and as such are not a complete list. Please contact the Undergraduate Student Office at 306-966-4231 if you have questions.

Approval of deferred exam requests is at the discretion of the Undergraduate Student Office. When reviewing an appeal request, we consider the extenuating circumstance, the student’s academic performance, and their history of requesting deferred exams.

Submission of a deferred exam request does not guarantee the approval of your request.

Deferred exams are not intended to support ongoing and persistent conditions or situations, nor do they replace other types of accommodations that may be provided by Access and Equity Services.

As a student, your goal is to complete your coursework and exams by the end of each semester. Frequent and recurring requests for deferred exams may signal the need for additional supports or strategies to achieve this goal. An academic advisor can help you to identify your needs and connect you with appropriate supports on campus.

See the University of Saskatchewan Exams Information page

If you have questions, please contact or call the Undergraduate Student Office at 306 966-4231.

Submit your deferred exam request and supporting documentation through the Arts and Science Channel in PAWS