In spring 2024, we launched a new peer mentorship group for women faculty, who currently make up approximately 35% of the faculty complement in Arts & Science. This group aims to bring women, women-identified, and non-binary faculty members together from across the College to share success stories and offer support for overcoming career obstacles.
Future sessions will include mentoring pre-tenured faculty and all faculty seeking promotions on how to successfully navigate the tenure and promotion process. Topics will include crafting tenure and promotion narratives, demystifying the collegial process at the Departmental and College levels, and tips from the CRC on what makes for a successful tenure and promotion casefile.

We are launching a new Case File Review and Mentorship initiative this spring/summer. This initiative is designed to support faculty members submitting case files for renewal of probation, tenure, and/or promotion. Faculty voluntarily submit their case files for review by a colleague who has recently served on the CRC or URC, who has experience providing mentorship to junior faculty at various career stages, or had recent success with the career progression process. The reviewers will look at the case file, provide constructive feedback on it that might guide revisions or final preparation prior to submission. The intent is to help each faculty member put together as persuasive a file as they can. We will do our best to match case files with faculty reviewers with similar expertise and RSAW foci.

We thank everyone who has agreed to serve as a mentor for this initiative and we welcome faculty who are applying for renewal of probation, tenure, and/or promotion to contact us to let us know if you are interested in participating in this initiative.