Winter Flower


Penny Morissette
15" by 11"

This is a painting that I did in Robin Adair's acrylic class. He had given us a choice of several subjects or to chose something on our own. I wanted to use a subject of my choosing and this vase was a very simple crystal vase sitting on my table with a flower in it, and I liked the clean look of it.

For me the colours of acrylic paint are the main attraction, but I didn’t have any knowledge as to how they behaved or how to use them. So I took the class and began to learn.

I think the reason I chose to paint this was mainly curiosity, I wondered if I could create clean concise look of a glass vase with acrylic paints, as well as come up with something that would be subtle, yet eye appealing.

At completion I wasn’t sure of the eye appeal but it remained in my home. Months later, I looked at it and thought, "this is calming, it's clean, I like it". I felt that I had created something that was simple yet generated a feeling of pleasure.

Community Arts and Artisanship Program
Online Student Show