Bonnie Poole

  2024 Community Arts and Artisanship Certificate Graduate

Politicians, politics, Covid and anything else that provokes a WTF response from me provides the impetus for my art journaling. I scribble my disbelief, disgust and dismay onto the pages and the words are camouflaged with layers of paint and paper. 

Sometimes the end result is bright and hopeful, at other times it is dark and bleak. The process preserves my sanity. It has become a ritual. 

It was never my intention to share my journals, they are personal and not every page is a “gem,” but here’s some of my work.  

Thank you, Robin Adair, for your guidance and support through this process. 


Mentor: Robin Adair, CAAP Instructor 

Saving My Sanity #1

Saving My Sanity #1 (detail), 2020-2021
Mixed media

Saving My Sanity #3 (Paste, Present, Future)
#3 detail 1 #3 detail 3 #3 detail 4
#3 detail 2
Saving My Sanity #2
#2 detail 2 #2 detail 1 #2 detail 4
Saving My Sanity #1 #2 detail 1 #1 detail 3