Mons Klint Denmark (Heirloom Reproduction)

Helena Larsen McKay

Helena Larsen McKay
Acrylic paint on paper
14" x 11"
Acrylic Painting I with Robin Adair

When I learned that our final assignment would take inspiration from the style of late 19th early 20th century landscape painters, I knew I wanted to try recreating a painting my great grandfather Frederick Larsen painted in 1917.

The painting of Mons Klint in Denmark hung above the piano while I was growing up. I would often just stare at the painting and admire it. I often thought how tricky painting the water and beach would be and how lovely the colours of the cliff were.

When I was 13 years old in 1981 our family visited Denmark and I was able to see the cliff with my own eyes. I visited again in 1988. Erosion caused the “Sommerspiret” - Summer Spire - to fall into the ocean in 1998. The scene I painted no longer exists!

It was a pleasure painting my own version of this treasured heirloom!

Community Arts and Artisanship Program
Online Student Show