Lisa Shiffman

  2022 Community Arts and Artisanship Certificate Graduate


The imperfect circle of the photographs in ‘Remembrance’ represents the emotional upheaval and imperfection of the state of a grieving person. The cycle from life to death has concluded, but for the Jewish people it is customary to mark the anniversary of the death of their loved ones (yahrzeit) by lighting a candle, and to visit their graves immediately before Yom Kippur. 

We will always remember aspects of our loved ones, but the fine details become hazy as time passes. Upon close inspection one can see hints of muted colors in the images around the candle – memories that exist yet are slowly fading. 

The vibrance of the candle at the centre symbolizes the rekindling of memories and adding light and life back into those precious moments. The candle represents the living descendants that are surrounded by slowly vanishing memories.  

7 images were used to create this piece. The Hebrew word for the number 7 uses the same root consonants as the Hebrew word for wholeness and completeness. The memories that exist in our minds help us endure the pain of loss by offering comfort and allow us to create a sense of wholeness in coping with death.   

                               “The song is over, but the melody lingers on” ~Irving Berlin 

Lisa has engaged in an active photographic art practice for fifteen years, focusing on the natural world and Saskatchewan history. She holds a B.A. in Religious Studies and a Certificate to Teach English as a Second Language (CERTESL) from the University of Saskatchewan. She lives in Saskatoon, SK with her family and divides her time between working in Archives and Special Collections at the University of Saskatchewan, her numerous family activities, and capturing images of Saskatchewan scenery and historic sites.  

2022 Photography on Canvas (20 x 24 inches) and Metal (19 x 12 inches) NFS


