
Room bookings for rehearsals, sectionals, and other Music-related events can all be completed online through the online room booking system (25Live) found below. 

All students and staff can request room bookings online and will receive a confirmation once the booking is approved. Please note that Quance Theatre and Convocation Hall may take up to a week for booking approvals, and non-Music bookings do not show up on this system (e.g. Quance or Convo may look free in this system, but it might already be booked by another group on campus). As a general rule, please submit booking requests at your earliest convenience.

Most rooms have access code locks, but if keys are required for non-coded rooms they may be signed out from the Office Coordinator, Room 1045.2 Education Building. Keys will be signed out to students only during periods when they are currently enrolled in courses.

Signing out keys requires a refundable $20 deposit. Lost keys are the responsibility of the individual to whom they are signed out. If a key is lost, the School for the Arts (Music) will require a payment of $250 per door accessible with that key in order to get the locks re-keyed. Keys must be returned on the due date specified by the Office Coordinator, with late fees accumulating at the rate of $10 per day. Please contact the Office Coordinator at music@usask.ca to arrange for a key.

Room Listing