
The School for the Arts - Music discipline at the U of S offers programs leading to a Bachelor of Arts in Music (B.A in Music, 3-year and 4-year), as well as a Bachelor of Music (B.Mus.) Prospective B.Mus. students are required to audition, as they must complete four years of private lesson and ensemble study, as well as numerous senior-level music theory and music history classes. Students in the B.A. programs do not need to audition, as private lessons are not part of the B.A. program. 

The following B.Mus. degree programs are currently offered by the School for the Arts (Music):

B.Mus. (Performance Honours) is designed to prepare the student for a performing career. In addition to advanced performance studies, students are offered courses in theory, music history & literature, pedagogy, performance practice, and ensembles.

B. Mus. (Individualized) is designed to give the student more freedom when choosing music electives.  This stream is geared to students who are interested in completing a Bachelor of Music degree, but who do not want to commit to one area of study.

B. Mus. (Education Honours) is a four-year program with a specialization for teaching music at either Secondary or Elementary/Middle Years, in conjunction with a second teaching area. Students in this program are automatically accepted into the College of Education’s two-year Bachelor of Education program, with music as their primary teaching area and a second teaching area of their choice.  

For further information regarding all undergraduate degree programs in Music, including degree requirements, please see:


The School for the Arts (Music) offers a 15 c.u. Certificate of Proficiency in Jazz, and a 15 c.u. Certificate in Music and Wellbeing. These certificate are open to all students at the University of Saskatchewan.

For further details, please see:

Policy for Performance Majors

Performance majors must hold a final grade of 80% or higher in applied lessons to remain in the performance stream.

A performance student must receive a studio mark of 80% in term 2 of their second year applied lessons to perform their 3rd year recital as a performance major; also, a mark of 80% in term 2 of their third year of applied lessons to perform their 4th year recital as a performance major. If the student does not receive a mark of 80% in the necessary classes, they will be required to discontinue in the Performance stream (most likely moved to Individualized).

Third year performance students taking applied lessons: Please register in T2 MUAP 300.0.
Fourth year performance students taking applied lessons: Please register in T2 MUAP 400.0.

Students must register in and pass these two MUAP courses to convocate with a B.Mus. performance stream degree.

B.Mus. performance stream students are required to perform a recital in each of their 4 years of applied study. All other B.Mus. stream (e.g. Individualized or Music Education) are required to perform a recital in years 2, 3, and 4 with the option to perform a 1st year recital. The decision to perform a 1st year recital for B.Mus. non-performance majors is made by the student’s applied teacher.