College of
Arts and Science

We embrace diversity of knowledge, cultures and viewpoints to enrich students and solve global challenges.

Choose from more than 60 academic programs.

Learn more about our 21 departments or get in touch.

We teach courses in the sciences, social sciences, humanities and fine arts.

News and Events

What's happening in the College of Arts and Science

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Ask the Alumni Expert: Dr. Tracene Harvey (BA’98, MA’02, PhD)

USask graduate Dr. Tracene Harvey, director/curator of the Museum of Antiquities, talks about the museum to commemorate International Museum Day on May 18

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USask drama alumni celebrate 50 years of 25th Street Theatre

The influential Saskatoon theatre company is holding its 50th anniversary celebration at USask

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USask professor receives prestigious 3M National Teaching Fellowship

Professor Dr. Loleen Berdahl (PhD) has received the most prestigious national teaching award in Canada

The world needs...

The College of Arts and Science contributes to USask’s leading research and teaching in areas of global importance.


Ranked first in Canada and among the best in the world for water resources research

One of the top Canadian universities for materials science, chemistry, energy science, clinical and health, engineering, life sciences, psychology

Ranked among the world’s best universities for sustainability and social impact