The top 10 stories of 2019
A list of the College of Arts and Science's most-read stories of the year
Stories of students, alumni, faculty and staff of the College of Arts and Science reached hundreds of thousands of readers around the world in 2019.
The year's most widely shared articles covered topics ranging from high-achieving students, to researchers tackling global issues, to people overcoming formidable odds, and—in one case—a shortage of canine companions.
The following were the most-read stories on the College of Arts and Science news website in 2019.
10. Indigenous students honoured for achievements
Thirteen College of Arts and Science students received Indigenous Student Achievement Awards from the University of Saskatchewan.
9. Can we overcome fake news?
In Arts&Science magazine, alumnus Dr. Brooks Decillia (PhD) argued that we all have work to do if we are to move past “post-truth” politics.
8. USask professor to research northern trapping through David Suzuki Fellowship
Dr. Priscilla Settee (PhD) was named the new Indigenous Knowledge and Climate Change Fellow.
7. College of Arts and Science holds inaugural Pinning Ceremony
A new tradition celebrated Dean's List students and award-winning recent alumni.
6. Winner of Indigenous scholarship works to preserve northern landscape of his childhood
Biology PhD student Aaron John Bell was the 2019 recipient of a $20,000 Queen Elizabeth II Centennial Aboriginal Scholarship.
5. Out in the open: Social media and the rise of public hate speech
From Arts&Science magazine: online hate has come to Canada, and no one seems to know how to stop it.
4. Psychedelic psychiatry in Saskatchewan
Arts&Science magazine examined the research of Dr. Erika Dyck (PhD) and the contributions of women to Saskatchewan’s famed LSD research.
3. Award-winning USask professor shares personal journey with dyslexia
Dr. Jim Clifford (PhD), a history professor in the College of Arts and Science, struggled to read as a youth.
2. USask program seeks additional therapy dogs
Early in the year, the USask therapy dogs program was facing a shortage of canine and human volunteers.
1. Truth and doubt
Arts&Science magazine told the story of Cpl. John Langan, a College of Arts and Science alumnus who refused to be held back from achieving his dream.
Visit the main College of Arts and Science news site for the latest news and events.