Financial assistance, usually to fund four or five students, is available through the Department and is awarded on a competitive basis to students with an average above 80 percent. 

All candidates for a full-time Master's degree program are considered for the following scholarships/fellowships. These awards are given for the calendar year September 1 to August 31 inclusive.

For inquiries about student funding, please contact

Fellowships are intended to provide financial assistance to fully qualified, full-time students proceeding to post-graduate degrees, to support graduate research programs, and to encourage enrollment in graduate programs at the University of Saskatchewan. They are given for the calendar year September 1 to August 31 inclusive.

  • The amount of the Graduate Teaching Fellowship, including the summer supplement, is approximately $17,000/year. A holder of this Fellowship shall provide up to 12 hours per week of service/teaching in the Department.

Please note, the Political Studies Graduate Programs are for one-year, therefore students in these programs are not eligible to receive the College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Dean's Scholarships.

For inquiries about student funding, please contact

Description: To honour the memory of Phebe Winifred Rowles and to recognize academic achievement among students pursuing a graduate degree program with a major in Political Studies.

Value: Single award - amount to be determined annually.

Eligibility: Open to graduate student students entering a M.A. or a Ph.D. degree program in Political Studies at the University of Saskatchewan.

Application Procedure: No application required. Selection is based on the academic merit of a first year graduate student in Political Studies, as determined by the Award Committee.

Description: The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh announced a $10,000 scholarship during their 1987 visit to Saskatchewan . During their May 2005 visit, the amount of this scholarship was increased to $20,000. The scholarship is to be awarded annually for graduate or post-graduate study of Saskatchewan politics and government at either of Saskatchewan's universities on the basis of academic excellence. The scholarship amount will be awarded to one student or split between equally deserving candidates.

Value: $20,000

Eligibility: To be considered for The Queen Elizabeth II Scholarship, you must:

    1. Be a Canadian citizen, landed immigrant or protected person;
    2. Have an undergraduate degree in any discipline at the time of commencement of the scholarship;
    3. Have applied for admission or be enrolled in graduate or post-graduate studies related to Saskatchewan politics and government (which includes Crown, Legislature, executive and related institutions) at either the University of Saskatchewan or the University of Regina;
    4. Be registered or intending to register as a full-time student for the 2017/2018 academic year;
    5. Have applied for a thesis or project-based program and;
    6. Complete and forward an application with all required accompanying information to the Saskatchewan university where you have applied to study by the deadline date given below.

Application Procedure: Application forms - You will need to provide the original application form and the following supporting materials.

Attachments to this application form:

    1. A one-page outline of your thesis topic or area of major research you intend to pursue for your graduate studies.
    2. Official transcripts of your complete university academic record, including your current university. Have your official transcripts sent directly to your supervisor or department Graduate Secretary.
    3. Attach two sealed letters of reference, signed across the seal by the reference (ensure your reference completes the Contact Information sheet found online.

Forward the completed application package to the address given below.


Mailing Address:    

Please forward all documents and the completed application form to the Saskatchewan university that you have applied for your graduate or post-graduate studies at the following addresses:

ATTN: Saskatchewan Lieutenant Governor Scholarship
Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
University of Regina


ATTN: Saskatchewan Lieutenant Governor Scholarship
College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
University of Saskatchewan
Phone: 306-966-5760


Deadline: February 28

Description: To honour the memory of Norman Ward, a nationally recognized scholar and distinguished member of the Department of Economics and Political Science and Department of Political Studies.

Value: $1,000

Eligibility: The graduate of the University of Saskatchewan who is in any one year the incoming registrant in the Graduate Program in Political Studies at the University of Saskatchewan with the strongest academic record. Must be recommended by the Department of Political Studies.

Apply: No application required.

For more information on eligibility requirements, application procedures, and deadlines, contact the Administrative Support Group in the College of Arts and Science at

Description: To commemorate the scholarly distinction of Professor Dr. Frederick Mechner Barnard by supporting the work of students in the fields of the history of political thought and contemporary political philosophy.

Value: One or more annual awards based upon the financial resources available

Eligibility: Open to graduate students and senior undergraduate students in the Department of Political Studies who have performed with distinction in studies of political theory.

Priority will be given to graduate students studying political theory. Should no graduate student be eligible, the award will be opened to senior undergraduate students in the Department of Political Studies who have performed with distinction in studies of political theory.

The scholarship awards will always be made on the sole basis of academic merit.

Apply: No application required.

For more information on eligibility requirements, application procedures, and deadlines, contact the Administrative Support Group in the College of Arts and Science at

Description: To support travel and experiential learning for students in the MA program in Political Studies.

Value: Single award to a maximum of $700.00.

Eligibility: Open to graduate students registered in the POLS M.A. program in the Department of Political Studies.

Apply: Application Form You will need to provide the original application form. Selection is based on the available funds and the approval of the Award Committee.

For more information on eligibility requirements, application procedures, and deadlines, contact the Administrative Support Group in the College of Arts and Science at

Value: $500

Number offered: 1 biannual award

Eligibility: Open to graduating Masters students in the Department of Political Studies. To be awarded at Spring Convocation.

Selection Criteria: Contribution to research, originality, soundness of methodology, and quality of writing, as determined by the Award Committee.

Apply: No application required. For more information, contact, Administrative Support Group Student Awards in the College of Arts and Science.