Colleen Bell |
- Bell, Colleen. 2017. “Celebrity Power and Powers of War: the rise of the COINdinistas in American Popular Media.” Critical Military Studies. doi/pdf/10.1080/23337486.2016.1268370: 1-20.
- Bell, Colleen. 2016. Review of The Political Impossibility of Counterinsurgency by M.R.L. Smith and D.M. Jones (New York: Columbia University Press) Cambridge Review of International Affairs 782-786.
- Bell, Colleen. 2015. The Police Power in Counterinsurgencies: Discretion, Patrolling, and Evidence. In War, Police, and Assemblages of Intervention. London: Routledge.
- Bell, Colleen, J. Bachmann and C. Holmqvist. 2015. War, Police, and Assemblages of Intervention. London: Routledge.
Loleen Berdahl |
- Berdahl, L., M. Bourassa, S. Bell and J. Fried. 2016. “Exploring perceptions of credible science among policy stakeholder groups: results of focus group discussions about nuclear energy." Science Communication. 38 (3), 382-406.
- McGrane, D., L. Berdahl and S. Bell. 2016. "Moving beyond the urban/rural cleavage: measuring values and policy preferences across residential zones in Canada." Journal of Urban Affairs. DOI: 10.1111/juaf.12294
- Atkinson, M., S. White, L. Berdahl, and D. McGrane. 2016. “How Much Tolerance for Democracy? Stealth Democrats in Canada.” American Review of Canadian Studies. 46 (1), 55-73.
- Doraty, K., M. Bourassa, L. Berdahl, J. Fried and S. Bell. 2016. “Support, opposition, emotion and contentious issue risk perception.” International Journal of Public Sector Management 29(2), 201-216.
- Berdahl, L. and K. Archer. 2015. Explorations: Conducting Empirical Research in Canadian Political Science (Third Edition). Oxford University Press.
- Berdahl, L., A. Juneau and C. Tuohy (eds.). 2015. State of the Federation 2012: Regions, Resources and Resiliency. Kingston and Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press.
- McGrane, D., and L. Berdahl. 2015. “A Social Democratic Province?: An Examination of Saskatchewan Public Opinion in 2011-12.” Journal of Canadian Studies, 49(1), 95-127.
- White, S., M. Atkinson, L. Berdahl and D. McGrane. 2015. “Public Policies toward Aboriginal Peoples: Attitudinal Obstacles and Uphill Battles.” Canadian Journal of Political Science. 48(2), 281-304. DOI:
- McGrane, D., K. Clavelle and L. Berdahl. 2015. “Priming the Voter: Assessing the Implications of Economic Perceptions in Provincial Elections.” Canadian Political Science Review 9 (1), 92-111.
- Lashta, E., L. Berdahl, and R. Walker. 2015. “Interpersonal contact and attitudes towards indigenous peoples in Canada’s prairie cities.” Ethnic and Racial Studies. DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2015.1105989.
- McGrane, D., and L. Berdahl. 2015. "Social Unionism, Public Relations, and Support for Unions: A Case Study of Public Opinion in Saskatchewan, Canada.” Global Labour Journal. 6(1), 62-78. DOI:
Kalowatie Deonandan |
- Deonandan, Kalowatie and Paola Ortiz. 2016. “Mining, Taxes and Development: the State and the Marlin Mine.” Latin American Policy Vol. 7, No 2, 25 pp.288-310.
- Deonandan, Kalowatie and Michael Dougherty, eds. 2016. Mining in Latin America: Critical Reflections on the New Extraction.London and New York: Routledge, 310 pp.
- Deonandan, Kalowatie and Jennifer Morgan. 2016. “The Privatization of Human Rights: The Human Rights Impact Assessment at Goldcorp’s Marlin Mine in Guatemala.” In Mining in Latin America: Critical Reflections on the New Extraction, in Kalowatie Deonandan and Michael Dougherty, eds. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 160-182.
- Deonandan, Kalowatie and Rebecca Tatham. 2016. “The Role of Women and International Non Governmental Organizations in the Resistance to the New Extraction in Latin America: The Unexplored Dimensions.” In Mining in Latin America: Critical Reflections on the NewExtraction, in Kalowatie Deonandan and Michael Dougherty, eds. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 273-284.
- Deonandan, Kalowatie. 2015. “Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Anti-Mining Movement in Guatemala: The Role of Political Opportunities and Message Framing,” Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Vol 40 (1), pp.27-47.
Joseph Garcea |
- Li, Meng, Xiaojing Lu, Weiping Zeng, Jason Disano, Joe Garcea, Lori Wilkinson, Stan Yu, Dazawray Landrie-Parker, Scott Bell. 2017. “Developing an Open Source WebGIS Framework for Census Data Visualization.” Spatial Knowledge and Information - Canada (Conference Proceedings). (Forthcoming).
- Garcea, Joseph and Vineberg, Robert. Editors. 2016. Dimensions of Immigration and Integration in Canada. Canadian Ethnic Studies (Special Issue). Vol. 48 (3). 173 Pp.
- Garcea, Joseph. 2016. “The Resettlement of Syrian Refugees: The Positions and Roles of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and its Members,” in Joseph Garcea and Robert Vineberg, (eds.) Dimensions of Immigration and Integration in Canada. Canadian Ethnic Studies. Vol. 48 (3): 149-173.
- Bruni-Bossio, Vincent, Donald C. Story, Joseph Garcea. 2016. “Board Governance in the Non-Profit Sector: The Role-Performance Relationships of Board Directors.” The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal 21: article 3. Pp. 1-22.
- Garcea, Joseph and Gloria DeSantis. 2016. “Provincial Funding of Human Service CBOs in Saskatchewan,” in Peter R. Elson (ed.), Funding Policies and the Nonprofit Sector in Western Canada Evolving Relationships in a Changing Environment. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Chapter 7. [35 pages].
- Garcea, Joseph. 2016. “Saskatchewan, 2015,”in David Mutimer (ed.), Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Neil Hibbert |
- Hibbert, Neil. (forthcoming). ‘Democracy and Justice: a Critique of Van Parijs’ Rawls-Machiavelli Programme’, Democratic Theory.
- Hibbert, Neil. (2015). 'Just Global Governance: a Review Essay’, Melbourne Journal of Politics, 37: pp. 79-89.
- Hibbert, Neil. (2014). ‘Democratic Legitimacy, Risk Governance and GM Food’, Social Philosophy Today, 30: 29-45 (co-authored with Lisa Clark).
Carin Holroyd |
- Holroyd, Carin. “Natural Resources and Aboriginal Autonomy: Economic Development and the Boundaries of Indigenous Control and Engagement,” in Harry Nelson, ed., Aboriginal Governance and Resource Development (accepted and forthcoming), with Ken Coates.
- Holroyd, Carin. “Green Japan: Environmental Technologies and Policy Options of Canada,” Report to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, January 2017.
- Holroyd, Carin. “Social Innovation: An International Research Agenda,” Report to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, January 2017.
- Holroyd, Carin. “Social Science Research and the Understanding of Innovation Policies in Canada,” Report to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, January 2017.
- Holroyd, Carin. Green Japan: Environmental Technologies, Innovation Policy and the Pursuit of Green Growth. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017.
- Holroyd, Carin. The Global Digital Economy (Cambria Press, 2015), co-author.
- Holroyd, Carin. “East Asia and the Arctic: Economic and Strategic Considerations,” Sebastien Knecht, ed., Governing Arctic Change; Global Perspectives (Palgrave MacMillan 2016), with Ken Coates.
- Holroyd, Carin. "Turning Eyes to the North: A Commentary on Japan's Engagement with the North American Arctic," The Northern Review, volume 40, 2015, with Ken Coates.
Bohdan Kordan |
- Kordan, Bohdan. No Free Man: Canada, the Great War and the Enemy Alien Experience, Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2016.
- Kordan, Bohdan. “Maidan and the Politics of Change: Meaning, Significance and Other Questions,” East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies, 3, 1 (2016), 137-153.
- Kordan, Bohdan. “They Will Be Dangerous”: Security and the Control of Enemy Aliens in Canada, 1914,” in B. Wright, E. Tucker and S. Binnie, eds., Canadian State Trials, vol.4: Security, Dissent and the Limits of Toleration in War and Peace, 1914-1939. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2015.
David McGrane |
- David McGrane, Loleen Berdahl, and Scott Bell. “Moving Beyond the Urban/Rural Cleavage: Measuring Values and Policy Preferences Across Residential Zones in Canada”, Journal of Urban Affairs, Volume 39, Number 1, (2017), pp. 17-39.
- Michael M. Atkinson, Stephen White, Loleen Berdahl, and David McGrane. “Are Canadians Stealth Democrats? An American Idea Comes North”, American Review of Canadian Studies, Volume 46, Number 1, (2016), pp. 55-73.
- David McGrane and Loleen Berdahl, "A Social Democratic Province? An Examination of Saskatchewan Public Opinion in 2011-2012," Journal of Canadian Studies, Volume 49, Number 1, (2015), pp. 95-127.
- Stephen White, Michael M. Atkinson, Loleen Berdahl, and David McGrane. "Policies towards Aboriginal Peoples: Attitudinal Obstacles and Uphill Battles", Canadian Journal of Political Science, Volume 48, Issue 2, (2015), pp. 281-304.
- David McGrane, Loleen Berdahl, and Kirk Clavelle, "Priming the Voter: Assessing the Implications of Economic Perceptions on Evaluations of Leaders and Parties", Canadian Political Science Review, Volume 9, Number 1, (2015), pp. 92-111.
- Jason Roy and David McGrane, "Explaining Canadian Provincial Voting Behaviour: Nuance or Parsimony", Canadian Political Science Review, Volume 9, Number 1, (2015), pp. 75-91.
- David McGrane and Loleen Berdahl. "Social Unionism, Public Relations, and Support for Unions: A Case Study of Public Opinion in Saskatchewan, Canada", Global Labour Journal, Volume 6, Number 1, (2015), pp. 62-78.
- David McGrane, "Ideological Modernization and Professionalization: The NDP Under Jack Layton and Tom Mulcair" in Canadian Parties in Transition, Fourth Edition, Alain-G. Gagnon and A. Brian Tanguay (eds.), Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017, pp. 168-184.
- David McGrane, "From Third to First and Back to Third: The 2015 NDP Campaign" in The Canadian Federal Election of 2015, Jon Pammett and Christopher Doran (eds.), Toronto: Dundurn Publishing, 2016, pp. 85-116.
- David McGrane, "Centrism, Ideological Polarization, and the Provincial Voter" in Provinces: Canadian Provincial Politics, Third Edition, Christopher Dunn (ed.), Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2016, pp. 183-218.
- David McGrane, "Underinvesting in Our Future: Revenues and Expenditures of Saskatchewan School Boards from 2004 to 2014", Regina: Saskatchewan Office of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2016.
- David McGrane, "The NDP's 'Government in Waiting' Strategy", Canadian Election Analysis 2015: Communication, Strategy, and Democracy, Alex Marland and Thierry Giasson (eds.), Vancouver: UBC Press, 2015, pp. 32-33.
- David McGrane, Could a Progressive Platform Capture Canada's Youth Vote?, Broadbent Institute, March 2015.
Matthew I. Mitchell |
- Collins, Andrew and Matthew I. Mitchell. “Revisiting the World Bank’s Land Law Reform Agenda in Africa: The Promise and Perils of Customary Practices.” Journal of Agrarian Change (forthcoming) (DOI: 10.1111/joac.1220)
- Côté, Isabelle and Matthew I. Mitchell. “Deciphering ‘Sons of the Soil’ Conflicts: A Critical Survey of the Literature.” Ethnopolitics (forthcoming) (DOI: 10.1080/17449057.2015.1089050).
- Côté, Isabelle and Matthew I. Mitchell. “Elections and ‘Sons of the Soil’ Conflict Dynamics in Africa and Asia.” Democratization 23 (4): 657-677 (2016).
- Mitchell, Matthew I. Review of Immigrant Exclusion and Insecurity in Africa: Coethnic Strangers, by Claire L. Adida, in Political Science Quarterly 131 (1): 197-199 (2016).
- Klaus, Kathleen and Matthew I. Mitchell. “Land Grievances and the Mobilization of Electoral Violence: Evidence from Côte d’Ivoire and Kenya.” Journal of Peace Research 52 (5): 622-635 (2015).
- Klaus, Kathleen and Matthew I. Mitchell. “Can an Economic Boom ensure Peaceful Elections in Côte d’Ivoire? Maybe, but Land Grievances Could Undermine Prospects for Peace.” The Monkey Cage blog at Washington Post, October 20, 2015.