
The Indigenous Governance and Politics Certificate of Proficiency is designed for students who have an interest in developing a deeper understanding of Indigenous political relationships. Students complete two required courses and select three classes from a number of disciplines. This flexibility allows students to tailor their program to their particular interests.

This certificate can be completed online (see designated courses). Students can complete the certificate on its own prior to or after a degree or can be bridged into a number of degree programs offered by the University of Saskatchewan.

With the Indigenous Governance and Politics Certificate of Proficiency, students learn about Indigenous governance and political issues. This certificate is available to students across the University of Saskatchewan.

Class Listing

Electives (choose 3 courses)

*Offered online

Note: Only students who have been admitted to the College of Law may use the following courses toward the 9 credit units of restricted elective courses, above. Students who have never been admitted to the College of Law will not receive credit for these courses toward this certificate, nor for other Arts & Science programs.

  • LAW 232.3 Kwayeskastasowin Setting Things Right
  • LAW 308.3 Global Indigenous Rights and Resource Development
  • LAW 422.3 Indigenous Legal Processes
  • LAW 436.3 Aboriginal Law
  • LAW 453.3 Aboriginal Law and Policy in Canada
  • LAW 480.3

Note: Only students admitted to the Edwards School of Business may use the following course toward the 9 credit units of restricted elective courses, above. Students who have never been admitted to the Edwards School of Business will not receive credit for these courses toward this certificate, nor for other Arts & Science programs.


Are you interested in understanding Indigenous issues in Canada? Do you have questions about the current constitutional space for Indigenous peoples in Canada? Are you wanting to learn more about Indigenous governance? Does the Indigenous political space interest you? If these are areas of interest, consider completing this certificate program.

Department of Political Studies

: political.studies@usask.ca