Women’s and Gender Studies (WGST) is an innovative, interdisciplinary program that explores human behaviour, institutions, culture, politics, and social issues. Students will examine current and historical events, theories, and movements related to gender and sexuality, race and Indigeneity, class relations, disability, and other areas, building skills in critical thinking, gender-based analysis, anti-oppressive research, and equity, diversity, and inclusion.

'We wrote that play, together': USask research paints picture of lived experiences of Iranian women 

Haleh Mir Miri has experienced firsthand the oppression that women can be subjected to under extremist Islamic rule

CBC Saskatoon

Invisible walls: How Iranian women's traumatic memories shape their identities and behaviour here 

USask graduate student Haleh Mir Miri writes that "free bodies in the new lands" can remind female Iranian immigrants of "physical confinements and their agonies back home"