College of Arts and Science celebrates award-winning graduates
2023/24 most outstanding graduates and medal winners were honoured at a special ceremony
The evening before receiving their degrees at the 2024 University of Saskatchewan (USask) Spring Convocation, some of the College of Arts and Science’s top graduates gathered to be honoured for their achievements.
At the annual College of Arts and Science Convocation Awards Ceremony on June 3, about 40 new alumni—the most outstanding graduates in Arts and Science programs, and the winners of college and university academic medals—were recognized. Dean Brooke Milne, Associate Dean of Student Affairs Darrin Oehlerking and Acting Vice-Dean Academic Jennifer Lang were onstage to present the awards.
Author Yann Martel, the recipient of a 2024 USask honorary degree, attended the event and gave a special address to the new graduates. Aurora Wolfe, a 2022 Indigenous studies graduate, spoke to the group on behalf of USask alumni.
Photos from the 2024 Convocation Awards Ceremony can be viewed on Flickr.
At Spring Convocation, 900 graduates received degrees and certificates from the College of Arts and Science, joining a community of more than 56,000 living Arts and Science alumni.
The names of the 2023/24 award and medal winners are listed below.
Award Winners in Humanities and Fine Arts

Bailey Schaan
Award for Excellence in English Studies
Kurt Loescher
Braj Sinha Award for Most Outstanding Graduate in Religion and Culture
John Arne Barton
Department of Philosophy Convocation Award
Sam Huckerby
De Brou Top Graduate Award in History
Judy Poole Award in Art and Art History
Aida Bock
Most Outstanding Graduate in Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies
Cody John Conrad Brayshaw
Walter Mills Scholarship in Drama
Award Winners in Social Sciences

Khoi Ngoc Mai Tran
Gordon A. McMurray Prize in Psychology
Lauren O'Reilly
The Honourable Donald Alexander McNiven Prize in Political Studies
Abdulsalam Ihmouda
Lewis C. Gray Prize in Economics
Mia Nemeth
Most Outstanding Graduate in Anthropology
Laura Eloise Adams Hardy
Most Outstanding Graduate in Archaeology
Michelle Catherine Straus
Most Outstanding Graduate in Sociology
Geoffery Curtis Coupal
Tania Balicki Memorial Award in Indigenous Studies
Award Winners in Science

Abdullah Qureshi
Jack Miller Bursary
Sunny Yang
Molson Canada Undergraduate Achievement Award in Food Science
Deborah Nwadiuto Chisomaga Achuonye
Most Outstanding Graduate in Biochemistry
Khoushboo Ramiah
Most Outstanding Graduate in Chemistry
Fraser McLeod
Most Outstanding Graduate in Computer Science
Gavin Davis Robertson
Most Outstanding Graduate in Environmental Biology
Zoe Araneda
Most Outstanding Graduate in Hydrology
Daniel Currie
Most Outstanding Graduate in Physics
Kenzie Marie Taylor
Most Outstanding Graduate in Statistics
Caleb Zachary Kreisz
Ore Gangue Memorial Prize in Geological Sciences
Hannah Weimer
W.P. Thompson Convocation Prize in Biology
Award Winners in Interdisciplinary Programs

Isabella Castillo Robalino
Mabel F. Timlin Prize in Business Economics
Jorden Whitenect
Most Outstanding Graduate in Applied Computing
Morgan Kay Beattie
Most Outstanding Graduate in Bioinformatics
Dr. J.F. Morgan Memorial Award in Microbiology and Immunology
Mohamad Kao
Most Outstanding Graduate in Biomedical Neuroscience
Maahi Mineshkumar Shah
Most Outstanding Graduate in Environment and Society
Sarah Hien Ha
Most Outstanding Graduate in Health Studies
Lexi Winter Johnson
Most Outstanding Graduate in Interactive Systems Design
Kyle Stanislav Vincent
Most Outstanding Graduate in Interdisciplinary Biomedical Sciences
Kathryn Sawatzky
Most Outstanding Graduate in International Studies
Dominic Alan George
Most Outstanding Graduate in Mathematical Physics
Mireille Riffou-Loomes
Regional and Urban Planning Convocation Award
Clarenz Salvador
Most Outstanding Graduate in Toxicology
Alison Paige Henkelman
Tonya Kaye Award for Most Outstanding Graduate in Women's and Gender Studies
Fall Convocation Medal Winners

Cassidy Dawn Serhienko
Rose Litman Medal in Humanities
Yashik Goyal
University Medal in the Bachelor of Science Biomedical Sciences Degree
Jonah Kynan Murray
University Medal in the BA&Sc Degree
Lauren Griffin
University Medal in the Fine Arts
Charlotte Bryn James-Cavan
University Medal in the Social Sciences
Asel Joma Kondi
Fall Convocation Three-year Medal
Brennan Ron Lockinger
Dean's Medal
University Medal in the Sciences
Spring Convocation Medal Winners

Cameron G. Muir
Copland Prize in Humanities
Abigail Catangay Clemente
Most Outstanding Graduate in Linguistics
Copland Prize in Social Sciences
Aidan Hydomako
Most Outstanding Graduate in Cellular, Physiological and Pharmacological Sciences
University Medal in the BSc Biomedical Sciences Degree
ChangHao Zhao
University Medal in the BA&Sc Degree
Morgan Marie Svenkeson
Spring Convocation Three-year Medal
Samuel Evan Dmyterko
Arthur Collingwood Convocation Prize in Music
University of Saskatchewan Film Society Prize
Haslam Medal
John Kim
Most Outstanding Graduate in Mathematics
Earl of Bessborough Prize in Science
Governor General’s Silver Medal
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