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Knowledge Keeper and musician Joseph Naytowhow will be leading a "jam" during lunch on March 8.

The Saskatoon Berry Jam: the Concert

Knowledge Keeper Joseph Naytowhow is leading a lunchtime "jam" concert


UPDATE: Due to weather conditions, this event has been postponed from March 4. It will now be taking place on Friday, March 8. 

Date: Monday, March 8
Time: 11:30 am-1 pm
Location: Gordon Snelgrove Gallery

About this event

Knowledge Keeper and musician Joseph Naytowhow is leading a lunchtime "jam" concert in the Gordon Snelgrove Gallery to kick off USask Indigenous Achievement Week and accompany the Saskatoon Berry Jam exhibition. 

The exhibition is a collaborative installation that combines Indigenous student artists and musicians, micro-art and the act of giving. The exhibition runs from Feb. 26 to March 8. 

For more information, contact ISAP (Indigenous Student Achievement Pathways) or the Gordon Snelgrove Gallery

Together, we will work towards Truth and Reconciliation. We invite you to join by supporting Indigenous achievement at USask.

Upcoming Events

Allison Hrabluik: The Splits

May 17 - Aug 30, 2024
A video work intersecting documentary and fiction

Jeff Thomas: I Refuse to be Invisible

May 10 - Sep 27, 2024
Photos exploring historical and contemporary representations of Indigenous identity


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