Literature Matters: Romeo and Juliet: They Die at the End
Everyone knows the story, so why do we keep coming back?
Date: Wednesday, April 26
Time: 7:30 pm
Location: Grace-Westminster United Church Social Hall, 505 10th St. E., Saskatoon
Free and open to the public
Literature Matters: Literature in the Community is a lecture series sponsored by the University of Saskatchewan Department of English.
About this event
Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan artistic director Kayvon Khoshkam will be in conversation with board member Jessica McDonald.
Within the first few minutes of Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare tells his audience what happens to the play’s title characters. Everyone knows the story and how it ends, so why do we keep coming back? This conversation with Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan director Kayvon Khoshkam will explore how drama companies approach classics through a modern lens. How is it possible for such productions to still engage and surprise audiences?
Info: 306-966-1268 |