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Tyler Morhart

Chemistry Special Seminar - Tyler Morhart, Canadian Light Source

Tyler Morhart, Associate Scientist - Beamline Responsible (SyLMAND), Canadian Light Source, will present a seminar at 1:30 pm in Thorvaldson 159.



Micro and Nano Fabrication at the Canadian Light Source


The Synchrotron Laboratory for Micro and Nano Devices (SyLMAND) beamline conducts fundamental and applied research in micro- and nanofabrication at the Canadian Light Source (CLS). In this talk, I will give an introduction to the unique capabilities available at SyLMAND for users from academia and industry. I will introduce UV and X-ray lithography process flows and describe the research infrastructure in the SyLMAND lab. Key application areas in microfluidics, x-ray and infrared optics, and RF antennas will be emphasized. Because of the time-intensive nature of microfabrication, SyLMAND’s operation is distinct from other analytical beamlines which may be more familiar to a general audience, and I will also spend some time discussing our operational philosophy and some advantages and limitations which arise. In particular, I will make the case that SyLMAND plays a critical role in collaborative research at other CLS beamlines and also provides unique-in-Canada fabrication capabilities for industrial clients.

Date:    Thursday, April 6

Time:    1:30 pm

Place:    Thorvaldson 159