Exhibition: A Voyage to Vorres Museum, Athena
Visit Greece through the work of two artists.
A Voyage to Vorres Museum, Athena
Curated by Anahita Akhavan, this exhibition features artwork by Allyson Glenn, associate professor in the Department of Art & Art History, and Eveline Kolijn, the first two artists in residence at the Vorres Museum in Paiania, Greece.
When: January 30 to February 10
Public presentation with curator and artists before the reception: Friday, Feb. 10, 7 – 8 p.m.
Reception: Friday, Feb. 10, 8 – 10 p.m.
Where: Gordon Snelgrove Gallery, 191 Murray Building
Info: 306-966-4208 email: gordon.snelgrove@usask.ca website: www.usask.ca/snelgrove
About the exhibition:
The Vorres Museum, located in Paiania, Greece, is the brainchild of Ian Vorres, a visionary Greek Canadian who dedicated his life to building cultural bridges between the two countries. The Vorres Residency program aims to strengthen the existing bi-cultural ties and in the process, assert the museum’s role as the ‘Canada House’ of Athens. Allyson Glenn and Eveline Kolijn were the first two artists to benefit from the annual residency. They were invited to immerse themselves in local folklore, contemporary Greek art and engage with the permanent collection of the museum.
A Voyage to the Vorres Museum, Athena, evokes a sense of meditation about ecology, anthropology, geopolitics, art and architecture. Influenced by the abstractions of microscopic images of cells, natural patterns, and fossils, Eveline Kolijn’s prints investigate the interrelation of the earth’s ecosystem and human culture. Allyson Glenn’s area of research surrounds notions of cultural identity, history, social conflicts, and humanity’s relationship to the environment.
A pamphlet with a curatorial essay by Anahita Akhavan is available in the gallery.