Backstage Pass to Greystone Theatre
Take a look at what happens behind the scenes in a theatre production!
Have you ever wondered how actors memorize all those lines? Wonder no more! For the first production of the Greystone Theatre season, The Margin of the Sky by Stewart Lemoine, we're throwing open the rehearsal hall doors from 6-7pm on Tuesday September 13, 20 and 27th. Open rehearsal hours are your chance to be a fly on the wall and see how a play comes to life. Join us for 15 minutes or the full hour. We only ask that you keep noise to a minimum if you need to arrive late or slip out early.
Please Note: Due to the elevated risk associated with this activity, masks are required for guests in the Emrys Jones Theatre during rehearsals.
Where: Emrys Jones Theatre (John Mitchell Building Room 131)
When: 6-7 pm Tuesday September 13, 20 and 27th
Who: USask Students, Staff and Faculty curious about the theatre-making process