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Which stories best connected with readers this year?

The top 10 stories of 2021

Counting down the year’s top College of Arts and Science news stories


Hundreds of articles about students, staff, faculty and alumni of the College of Arts and Science were shared in 2021 on the college and University of Saskatchewan (USask) news websites.

This year, readers connected best with stories of community outreach and award-winning students. The following were 2021’s most-read College of Arts and Science stories.


10. USask linguistics student wants to revitalize Denesųłıné language

Meztli Henriquez was recognized with an award for resiliency at the USask Indigenous Student Achievement Awards in February. She hopes to create a language revitalization program for Denesųłıné, her ancestral language.


9. USask psychology graduate wins Governor General’s Gold Medal

Dr. Ian McPhail (PhD) was one of two recipients of USask’s highest award for graduate students. A clinical psychologist, McPhail’s research on pedophilia could help prevent sexual offences.


8. Health studies graduate to receive prestigious Convocation prize

Brant Morrow, winner of the 2021 University Medal in the BA&Sc Degree, decided to pursue a degree in health studies because of his long-time interest in human health and illness.


7. Saskatoon kids ‘break the code’ of Cree language in outreach program

A new lesson in the USask Kamskénow science outreach program uses Cree syllabics to teach cryptography to Saskatoon schoolchildren. The lesson was created by Cree Autumn Sunrise Longjohn, the College of Arts and Science’s new science outreach coordinator and a USask biology student.

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6. USask environmental geoscience graduate makes history

Matt Fellwock is the first graduate of USask’s environmental geoscience program. Geoscience is a diverse scientific field with sub-disciplines that include geochemistry, sedimentology, geomicrobiology, geophysics, mineralogy, paleontology and hydrogeology.


5. USask anthropology student aspires to be a role model

Devin Kyle, the recipient of a resiliency award at the 2021 Indigenous Student Achievement Awards, has balanced parenthood, life and his studies throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.


4. Award-winning Indigenous studies graduate pursues doctoral research at USask

Danielle Bird won multiple awards on her way to her Master of Arts in Indigenous studies. She credits the support she received from her family, community and academic mentors for her success.


3. USask graduate honours her heritage through new STEM business

Dawn Pratt’s graduate supervisor describes her as “a trailblazer and role model for Indigenous women in science.” Pratt is the founder of Askenootow STEM Enterprise Inc., an educational consulting company.


2. A student for life

Dr. Jay Cowsill (PhD) has been continually enrolled at USask since 1997. After completing his PhD in English in 2010, he returned to the College of Arts and Science as an undergraduate student.


1. Award-winning USask graduate eyes aerospace engineering career

Ryan Sheppard pursued his passion for physics at USask and graduated with two degrees in the spring. In the most-read story of 2021, the new College of Arts and Science graduate talks about participating in international study opportunities and his plans to work in the aerospace industry.

Visit the College of Arts and Science news site for the latest news and events.

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