Linguistics Lunch: Making Dictionaries
The USask Department of Linguistics hosts a virtual discussion of its faculty members’ community-driven work in Ecuador
Date: Wednesday, Nov. 24
Time: 1:30–2:30 pm
Location: Online via Zoom
Free and open to the public
Tickets: Register on Eventbrite

About this event
This event marks the installation of the Canadian Language Museum’s exhibit Beyond Words: Dictionaries and Indigenous Languages on campus (second floor of the Arts Building, outside the Timlin Theatre), from Nov. 24–Dec. 1, 2021. Come learn more about the exhibit, as well as Department of Linguistics faculty members’ own community-driven dictionary work in Ecuador. We are pleased to have Dr. Martin Kohlberger (PhD) share on his work with the Shiwiar Nation on the Shiwiar Language Documentation Project, and to celebrate with Dr. Jesse Stewart (PhD) the exciting publication of the first dictionary of the Media Lengua Language, a rare mixed language spoken in the Ecuadorian highlands, co-authored by Stewart, Gabriela Prado Ayala and Lucia Gonza Inlago.