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Each year, two members of the College of Arts and Science staff who have made an extraordinary contribution to the college’s working environment are recognized with Dean’s Distinguished Staff Awards.

College of Arts and Science employees nominated for staff recognition award

Fourteen outstanding employees of the College of Arts and Science have been nominated for the 2021 Dean’s Distinguished Staff Award


Fourteen outstanding employees of the College of Arts and Science have been nominated for the 2021 Dean’s Distinguished Staff Award.

Each year, two members of the College of Arts and Science staff who have made an extraordinary contribution to the college’s working environment are recognized with Dean’s Distinguished Staff Awards.

Nominees are put forward by staff, students, faculty or administrators. Those nominated have shown excellence in work performance and demonstrated the college’s values of excellence, integrity, diversity, creativity, innovation, knowledge and personal growth.

Dr. Peta Bonham-Smith (PhD), dean of the College of Arts and Science, will announce two recipients from among the nominees at a meeting of Faculty Council on Thursday, May 13.

In an ordinary year, the dean honours all nominees of the Dean’s Distinguished Staff Award at a luncheon on the University of Saskatchewan campus. Because campus buildings are closed during the COVID-19 pandemic, luncheons for the 2021 and 2020 award nominees have been postponed until a later date.

The following staff members are nominated for the 2021 Dean’s Distinguished Staff Award.

  • Kathy Arnie: Undergraduate student records clerk, Undergraduate Student Office
  • Brieanna Bird: Payroll coordinator, Arts and Science Administrative Support Group
  • Shannon Boklaschuk: Communications officer, College of Arts and Science Communications Office
  • Rick Elvin: Scientific glassblower, Department of Chemistry
  • Sophie Findlay: Graduate program coordinator, Department of Computer Science
  • Barb Gillis: Chief operating officer (finance and resources)
  • Amy Karakochuk: Office coordinator, Department of Linguistics
  • Joni Morman: Graduate program coordinator, Department of Psychology / Arts and Science Administrative Support Group
  • Greg Oster: Technical team lead, Department of Computer Science
  • Blair Pisio: Manager of undergraduate services, Undergraduate Student Office
  • James Rosen: Electronics technician, Department of Geological Sciences
  • Douglas Smith: Laboratory instructor, Department of Biology
  • Samantha Smith: Graduate student funding coordinator, Arts and Science Administrative Support Group
  • Ashley Taylor: Clerical assistant for graduate programs, Arts and Science Administrative Support Group

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