Faculty and Friends Virtual Concert: Exploring Harmoniemusik
A free concert exploring the instrumentation and compositions of Harmoniemusik, a style of music popular in European courts of the 18th and 19th centuries
This concert in the Department of Music’s Faculty and Friends virtual concert series will explore the instrumentation and compositions of Harmoniemusik.
Date: Wednesday, Feb. 24
Time: 12:30 pm
Location: Online via Zoom
Free and open to the public
Watch online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89579339284?pwd=ZzNrMjVHOURvOUk5aE5oNHhZZ05RUT09
Meeting ID: 895 7933 9284
Passcode: 908281
Exploring Harmoniemusik
Darrin Oehlerking – Conductor
Allison Miller – Flute
Margaret Wilson, Gilles Turcotte – Clarinet
Erin Brophey, Kevin Junk – Oboe
Carol Cottin, Arlene Shiplett – Horn
Stephanie Unverricht, Marie Sellar – Bassoon
This performance will explore the instrumentation and compositions of Harmoniemusik. This style of music gained popularity in European courts in the 18th and early 19th centuries. Typically, the instrumentation consisted of pairs of oboes, clarinets, horns and bassoons. However, composers quickly began adding other instruments such as flutes, trumpets and strings. These early compositions served as early examples of what is now known as the standard Classical era symphonic form.
Petite Symphonie – Charles Gounod
Octet-Partita Opus 67 – Franz Krommer
International Suite – Elizabeth Raum
Info: darrin.oehlerking@usask.ca
This event is funded in part by the Saskatchewan Arts Board.