Mies van der Rohe: Teaching at the Bauhaus 1930-1933
A public lecture will be delivered by T. Paul Young, executive director of the Bauhaus Chicago Foundation, on Oct. 18 at USask
Public Lecture by T. Paul Young, Executive Director of the Bauhaus Chicago Foundation
Date: Friday, Oct. 18, 2019
Time: 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Location: Gordon Snelgrove Gallery, University of Saskatchewan campus
Admission: Free
Light refreshments will be served following the lecture.
Speaker's bio:
The Bauhaus Chicago Foundation mission is to ensure that the educational principles formulated in the field of creative arts at the Bauhaus and taught by László Moholy-Nagy in Chicago between 1937 and 1946 are preserved and documented for future generations.
Executive director T. Paul Young brings to this position a wealth of experience as an architect, artist, educator, researcher, archivist and curator. He has lectured in the U.S., Europe and China on the Bauhaus, New Bauhaus/Institute of Design and Mies van der Rohe, the last director of the Bauhaus from 1930-1933.
Young began working in the office of Mies van der Rohe at 17, followed by five years as an IIT student of architecture. Included were courses in history and drawing with Bauhäusler Howard Dearstyne and Paul Wieghardt. He received his BArch in 1972 and architectural licence in 1974.
After a brief time working in London and Chicago architectural offices, Young joined the faculty in 1975 and taught for 10 years in the Department of Architecture, IIT. There he taught the foundation course, life drawing, history seminars, special coursework in landscape design and visual training, a course developed by Walter Peterhans. He also taught freehand drawing in the Department of Art & Design, University of Illinois at Chicago.
In 1983, Young created the Mies van der Rohe Centennial Project titled Mies van der Rohe: Architect as Educator, based upon the writing of a successful NEH grant to support a travelling exhibition, publication and creation of a permanent archive of Mies’ teaching from 1930 to 1958.
While teaching at IIT, his exhibition installation experience began in the 1970s with work for three years under A. James Speyer, Curator of XXth Century Painting & Sculpture at the Art Institute of Chicago for museum installations and travelling shows. In Mies’ S.R. Crown Hall he curated and installed new and travelling exhibitions. These included Sol LeWitt Wall Drawings, Adler & Sullivan with Aaron Siskind’s Institute of Design photographic project, Prehistoric American Earthworks, and Werner Blaser’s Bridges of Christian Menn and Architecture Switzerland.
Young’s independent architectural practice began in 1985, with residential, municipal and business clients, often including landscape design. This work, over many years, was complemented by independent research and archival work at museums, libraries and universities.