Arts and Science Study Abroad Fair
Learn about travelling abroad while earning USask credit!
Learn about travel programs offered through the College of Arts and Science. Find out how to make studying abroad a part of your degree!
Monday, Oct. 7 and Tuesday, Oct. 8
9:30 am–2:00 pm
200 Geology Building, 114 Science Pl. (next to Tim Hortons)
USask students have access to a wide range of study abroad opportunities. Come learn about travel awards available, including the $1,000 Global Engagement Scholarship granted to all students accepted into a for-credit program!
Info: AandS.Abroad@usask.ca
Courses offered in Spring/Summer 2020:
DRAM 285.3 – London, UK
HIST 322/422.6 – Johannesburg, South Africa
PHYS 472.3 – CERN in Geneva Switzerland
PLAN 298.3 – Copenhagen, Denmark
INDG 454.3 – North Carolina, USA
Go for a term abroad in:
Marburg, Germany;
Guadalajara, Mexico; and
The Washington Center in Washington,DC
Application deadlines
2020 Taught Abroad spring and summer programs: Jan. 15, 2020.
Term abroad opportunities: March 31, 2020.