ICM (The Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling) 2019 Results
The team earned the Meritorious Winner designation; that is in the top 10% worldwide!!!
Congratulations to our ICM (The Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling) Team.
The team earned the Meritorious Winner designation; that is in the top 10% worldwide!!!
Team 1 members:
Chunyi Lai, Yijing Su, and Zongru Li
(Faculty Advisor: Alexey Shevyakov)
2019 ICM Statistics (Team 1 did Problem D):
* 11262 teams representing institutions from seventeen countries/regions participated in the contest.
* 5728 Problem D submissions
* 19 Outstanding Winners (1%)
* 18 Finalist Winners (1%),
* 883 Meritorious Winners (8%)
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