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2018 Alumni of Influence honouree Alice Wong accepts her award at the Alumni of Influence Dean’s Gala and Award Ceremony on March 16, 2018 (David Stobbe)

Photos from the 2018 Alumni of Influence Gala

Eleven inspiring alumni were inducted into the ranks of the College of Arts & Science Alumni of Influence in March


Eleven inspiring alumni were inducted into the ranks of the College of Arts & Science Alumni of Influence at a gala hosted by Dean Peta Bonham-Smith on March 16, 2018.

Held every two years in Saskatoon, the Alumni of Influence Dean’s Gala and Award Ceremony recognizes alumni who have had a profound impact on our community, our province, our country and our planet.

Photos from the 2018 Alumni of Influence Gala
(View and download high-res images on the college's Flickr page)

(Created with flickrSLIDR).

The achievements of the 2018 honourees span the worlds of physics, mining, military, neuroscience, dramatic writing, economics, narrative fiction, computer science, the performing arts, entrepreneurship, environmental conservation and more.

The 2018 Alumni of Influence:

Margaret Brooke (BHSc’35, BA’65, PhD’71; d. 2016)
Alexander Douglas (BA’39, MA’40; d. 1981)
Katrina German (BA’00)
Karla Guyn (MSc’94, PhD’01)
Lindsay Knight (Arts’10, MA’13)
Gordon Kurtenbach (BSc’84)
Gregory Nelson (BA’88)
Edward Neufeld (BA’50, Arts’51)
Arthur Slade (BA’89)
Sherman Wiebe (Sc’93, BSc’93)
Alice Wong (BComm’84, MA’90)

For information about the 2018 honourees, or to nominate someone for the Alumni of Influence Award, visit

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