Career Options for English Majors- What's Next?
Wondering what's next? Come to our Career Options Event on Wed March 7.
Career Options for English Majors
Wednesday March 7
3:30 to 5:30 PM
Arts 200
Learn how the skills acquired with your English degree can get you jobs and prepare you for graduate programs.
Featured talks and presentations include:
- Q&A with Cory Baumgardner, Literacy Coordinator at READ Saskatoon and U of S graduate.
- Student Employment and Career Centre presentation by Kim Matheson.
- ENG 496.3 Career Internship course presentation with Professor James-Cavan.
- Graduate degree opportunities discussion with Graduate Chair Lindsey Banco.
Refreshments will be provided, and all are welcome at this session on how the skills you are gaining through your coursework relate to a range of career options.
We look forward to seeing you on March 7th!