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Assyrian Archers

Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies Colloquium Series

Dining with the Assyrians: cuisine, consumption, and sacrifice at Ziyaret Tepe


Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies (CMRS) Colloquium Series

Thursday, Jan. 18, 2018
4:30 pm
Room 200, St. Thomas More College (STM)

by Tina Greenfield, STM Archaeology and CMRS Fellow

"Dining with the Assyrians: cuisine, consumption, and sacrifice at Ziyaret Tepe"

Excavations in the peripheries of the Assyrian empires have brought to light a large number of archaeological remains directly linked with the Neo-Assyrian (c. 900-611 BCE) presence in these areas. This paper will focus on the faunal remains from cremation burials and various rooms excavated from the Neo-Assyrian palace at Ziyaret (ancient Tušhan), a provincial capital city located in southeastern Turkey. Cremated human remains were deposited in rectangular pits in the open palace’s courtyard while the palace was still in use. Equipped with a rich inventory of Assyrian luxury goods, the deposition of these animal bones is a direct reflection of ritual behaviour in connection to funerary rites, rituals and sacrifice. Additionally, several rooms in the Palace revealed faunal remains that highlight elite dietary preferences. This lecture will examine the nature of the faunal remains from these different contexts and highlights consumption patterns, sacrifices, and overall cuisine within an Assyrian Imperial palace.

For more information contact the CMRS Director,

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