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Physics Tours

Tours of various scientific facilities will be offered by the Department of Physics and Engineering Physics on Dec. 1 in conjunction with their free public lecture: 100 Years of Einstein’s General Relativity: From the Big Bang to Black Holes


In conjunction with The Department of Physics & Engineering Physics free public lecture: 100 Years of Einstein’s General Relativity: From the Big Bang to Black Holes, a series of public tours on campus will also be offered. 

TOURS before the lecture:

Canadian Light Source tour: In this tour you will be taken to the experimental floor at the CLS. You will learn about the principles of CLS and the wide variety of scientific programs carried out at Canada’s only synchrotron source.

There will be two tours to the CLS, prior to the lecture, as follows:

CLS 1: At 4:15 pm, 1 hour long (maximum: 10 people)

CLS 2: At 5:30 pm, 1 hour long (maximum: 10 people)

If interested, advance registration is needed for the CLS tours specifically. Please send your full first and last names and email contact information to Debbie Parker ( by the end of Thursday November 26. Please specify which of the two tours you prefer. We will confirm your acceptance before the event. First come, first serve.

TOURS after the lecture:

  • Campus Observatory tour: Visit the Campus Observatory museum and look through its telescope (weather permitting). Participants will have to walk outside the Physics building following a physics student volunteer to the Observatory, about 5 min away. There will be one tour at 8:15 p.m.

  • Astronomy Telescope Lab tour: Visit telescopes on Physics building roof, computer control room for these telescopes and the instruments used for imaging, photometry and spectroscopy. There will be two 15 min tours as follows: A1 8:15 p.m. and A2 8:30 p.m. (maximum: 10 people)

  • Plasma Physics Labs tour: See the STOR-M Tokamak, a unique experimental device in Canada for research on how to extract energy through controlled fusion, a process based on Einstein’s E=mc2 equation. There will be two 15 min tours as follows: P1  8:15 p.m. and P2  8:30 p.m. (maximum: 15 people)

  • Scanning Tunneling Microscope labtour: See an instrument that makes visible the molecular structure on the surfaces of crystals. Its resolution is 1nm or one billionth of a meter. Its operation is based on Quantum Mechanics, a field of study that Einstein helped to establish. There will be two 10 min tours as follows: S1 8:15 p.m. and S2 8:30 p.m. (maximum: 5 people)

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