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Place Riel Showcase - Call for Submissions
Student art
The Place Riel Showcase displays student art for 4-6 month periods. Jared Brown, Past President of the University of Saskatchewan Student’s Union (USSU) and David Parkinson, Vice-Dean of Humanities & Fine Arts, College of Arts and Science joined forces in 2013 to provide this venue for students in the Department of Art + Art History at Place Riel.
Submissions will be reviewed by the current USSU President, the Gordon Snelgrove Gallery Director and a Department of Art + Art History faculty representative. Submissions should consider and work with the dimensions of the display case. A photograph and short biography of the artist is usually installed adjacent to the display case.
Send digital images, title(s), dimensions, media
and short description before
November 24, 2017
Marcus Miller
Director, Gordon Snelgrove Gallery
Showcase specifications:
66 ¼ X 18 ¾ X 2 ¼ ”
fabric backing accepts Velcro, tacks and small
internally lit