STEM Pathways

The College of Arts and Science prepares students for exciting research and career opportunities in the sciences, including over 35 specialized undergraduate degree and certificate programs. Arts and Science also welcomes students preparing to study in professional programs across the University of Saskatchewan.

Our goal is to open doors of opportunity!

First Year Learning Communities

Arts and Science Learning Communities, FLEX, ISAP and USTEP offer First-Year STEM students the opportunity to take classes together, building community in weekly peer-led gatherings.

Students registered through ISAP’s STEM-focused Learning Communities have priority registration in 100-level science courses, including Biology 120 and 121, Chemistry 112, Nutrition 120, Geology 121, Math 102 and 110, and Computer Science 140 and 141. Recommended electives for Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Biomedical Science programs are also available to ISAP STEM Pathways students in Term 1 and Term 2, including Indigenous Studies 107, Psychology 120 and 121, English 113, History 165, and Interdisciplinary Studies 102; Essential Skills for Studying Science

Students interested in applying to the College of Engineering or College of Nursing in their second year of university should consult ISAP’s STEM Pathways cheat sheets [link to PDFs] and connect with an academic advisor.

Note: If you are missing high school prerequisites for first year math and science, or need to brush up your skills, we recommend registering in one or more STEM Accelerator course offered through TMC Academic Initiatives in Fall Term. These can be taken alongside 100-level courses.

STEM Accelerator Certificate

Set yourself up for success in your post-secondary studies by gaining pre-requisite skills for success in preparatory STEM Accelerator courses offered through Trish Monture Centre (TMC) Academic Initiatives.

Biology 90, Chemistry 90 and Physics 90 are supported by Developmental Mathematics coaching, and offer a supportive environment for students who lack 30-level pre-requisites for their STEM program of choice, or need to refresh their skills after time away from school.

STEM Accelerator 90-level courses are accepted in lieu of 30-level pre-requisites for all USask Academic and Professional Programs. These courses are offered in Fall Term only and registration is prioritized for students registered through ISAP STEM Pathways Learning Community.

Students who complete Physics 90, Chemistry 90 and Biology 90 can apply to receive a preparatory STEM Accelerator Certificate.

Developmental Mathematics Coaching

Trish Monture Centre Cohort Programs offer support to students navigating online course and homework platforms, with a goal of building digital literacy through skills mastery. Ask an advisor about TMC “Computer Club” to learn more!

Our Developmental Mathematics Coach supports student progress in Math 101 and Math 102, courses designed to build quantitative reasoning and pre-calculus skills (respectively). We are here to help you navigate math requirements with strategies that put your potential first, helping you achieve the skills you need for diverse areas of study!

In partnership with the USask Learning Hub, the Trish Monture Centre’s Academic Initiatives team offer practical co-curricular coaching to students registered in science courses that integrate applied mathematics, including: Physics 90, Chemistry 90, Chemistry 112, Math 110, Statistics 244, and Nutrition 120.

More Opportunities

Are you interested to connect with upper year students in your program of study? Or are you curious about what research in the sciences looks like?

Get in Touch, to learn about current and emerging opportunities for Arts and Science students to position themselves for success in the STEM fields! Contact:

We will help you build your peer and professional network, and broaden your resume with opportunities for experiential learning, topical campus lectures, field trips, lab tours, youth outreach, and undergraduate research opportunities.    


STEM Pathways programming is offered through the College of Arts and Science with the support of our sponsors: