Picture of Todd G.  Morrison

Todd G. Morrison BSc. (Hon.), MSc., PhD


Faculty Member in Psychology and Health Studies

Arts 73B

Research Area(s)

  • Gay and lesbian psychology
  • Body image
  • Stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination
  • Psychometrics
  • Human sexuality (in particular, pornography and sex work)

About me

Editorial Board Member:

Body Image 

Journal of Homosexuality

Journal of Sex Research

Journal of Social Psychology

Psychology of Men and Masculinities

Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity


body image gay and lesbian prejudice psychometric sexuality


  • Bishop, CJ., & Morrison, T.G. (2024). "We can do better": Developing attitudinal scales relevant to LGBTQ2S+ issues - A primer on best practice recommendations for beginners in scale development. Behavioral Sciences, 1-23. IF = 2.5.
  • Croteau, T.A.* & Morrison, T.G. (2024). The relationship between sexual minority stress and sexual satisfaction: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Sex Research, 1-41. IF = 2.7 
  • Golshan, F., Bains, S., Francisco, J., Jensen, M., Tourigny, K., Morrison, T.G., & Mickleborough, M. (2024). Gender differences in concussion-related knowledge, attitudes and reporting behaviors of varsity athletes. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 64, 588-598. IF = 1.2.
  • Morrison, M.A., Katz, J.W.*, Sadika, B., McCutcheon, J.M., & Morrison, T.G. (2024). Representation of women in STEM in senior administration. In R. Johnstone & B. Momani (Eds.), Glass ceilings and ivory towers (pp. 175-187). UBC Press.
  • Morrison, J., Morrison, T.G., & Parker, K.M.* (2024). It's a real, real, real man's world: Sexy martyrdom and heroic fortitude in Mel Gibson's Braveheart, The Passion of the Christ, and Hacksaw Ridge. In A. Barkman & A. Sanna (Eds.), A critical companion to Mel Gibson (pp. 135-156). Lexington.
  • Parker, K.M.*, Morrison, M.A., Morrison, T.G., Dyck, L.E.Q., & Wall, K. (2024). Toward a fair justice system in Canada: Women and girls homicide database project. In K. Boyle & S. Berridge (Eds.), Routledge companion on gender, media, and violence (pp. 55-64). Routledge.


  • Croteau, T.A.*, & Morrison, T.G. (2023). Development of the Nonbinary Gender Microaggressions Scale (NBGM). International Journal of Transgender Health, 24, 417-435. IF = 4.6. 
  • de Barros, C.A.*, & Morrison, T.G. (2023). Development and validation of the Positive Bisexual Identity (PBI) scale. Psychology & Sexuality, 14, 73-93. IF = 2.3.
  • de Barros, C.A.*, Sadika, B., Croteau, T.A.*, Morrison, M.A., & Morrison, T.G. (2023). Associations between subcategories of disgust sensitivity and homonegativity: Examining intergroup contact as a moderator. Psychology & Sexuality, 14, 453-473. IF = 2.30.   
  • Francisco, J., Golshan, F., Morrison, T.G., & Mickleborough, M. (2023). Stress and headaches in university students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Plos One, 18(11), e0288745. IF = 2.9
  • Katz, J.W.*Abeygunawardena, T.**, O’Reilly, N.**, Smith, B.R.R.**, & Morrison, T.G. (2023). Wes Craven and BIPOC-horror: Contrasting The People Under the Stairs with The Possession of Joel Delaney. In F. G. P. Berns & J. Darowski (Eds.), A critical companion to Wes Craven (pp. 105-121). Lexington. 


  • Mirzaei, Y.*, Zare, S.*, & Morrison, T.G. (2022). Hijab pornography: A content analysis of Internet pornographic videos. Violence against Women, 28, 1420-1440. IF = 2.586.


  • Hoffman, E.M.*, de Souza, M.J.B., Morrison, M.A., & Morrison, T.G. (2021). Beyond the rainbow: Attitudes of Brazilian consumers regarding homoaffective advertisements. Brazilian Business Review, 18, 433-449. 
  • Katz, J.W.*, de Barros, A.C.*, & Morrison, T.G. (2021). Ambiguous sex in critical receptions to Ari Aster's Midsommar. Sexuality & Culture, 252035-2051. 
  • Katz, J.W.*, O'Beaglaoich, C., & Morrison, T.G. (2021). Examining boyhood masculinity within an Irish context: An assessment of the reliability and structural validity of the Meanings of Adolescent Masculinity Scale (MAMS) and the Adolescent Masculinity Ideology in Relationships Scale (AMIRS). SAGE Open. IF = 1.356.
  • Kiss, M.J.*, McDonagh, L.K., Sparks, B.*, Hamp, T.**, & Morrison, T.G. (2021). Accurately assessing gay men's erectile functioning: A critique of the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) use with gay men. Journal of Sex Research, 5, 589-598.  IF = 5.141. 
  • Kiss, M.J.*, & Morrison, T.G. (2021). Eroticizing desperation: Poverty gay-for-pay porn. Sexuality & Culture, 25, 1509-1528. 
  • Morrison, M.A., Parker, K.M.*, Sadika, B.*, Sameen, D.**, & Morrison, T.G. (2021). "Newsworthy enough"?: Media framing of Canadian LGBTQ persons' sexual violence experiences. Psychology & Sexuality, 12, 96-114. IF = 2.558.


  • Bishop, CJ., & Morrison, T.G. (2020). Affective responses to non-sexual imagery depicting gay men and lesbian women. Journal of Social Psychology, 160, 310-323. IF = 1.241. 
  • Kiss, M.J.*, Morrison, M.A., & Morrison, T.G. (2020). A meta-analytic review of the association between disgust and homonegativity toward gay men. Journal of Homosexuality, 67, 674-696. IF = 1.277. 
  • Morrison, T.G., Katz, J.*, Mirzaei, Y.*, & Zare, S.* (2020). Body image and eating disorders among sexual and gender minority populations. In E.D. Rothblum (Ed.), The Oxford handbook on sexual and gender mental health (pp. 73-85). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • O'Beaglaoich, C., McCutcheon, J., Conway, P.F., Hanafin, J., & Morrison, T.G. (2020). Adolescent suicide ideation, depression, and self-esteem: Relationships to a new measure of gender role conflict. Frontiers in Psychology, 1-11. IF = 2.129.
  • Parker, K.M., Sadika, B., Sameen, D., Morrison, T.G., & Morrison, M.A. (2020). Humanizing lesbian characters on television: Exploring their characterization and interpersonal relationships. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 24, 395-413.
  • Potter, K.G., Hunter, P.V., & Morrison, T.G. (2020). Dispositional mindfulness in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: The mediating role of symptom interference and self-compassion. Mindfulness, 11, 462-471. IF = 3.00.  
  • Sadika, B., Wiebe, E., Morrison, M.A., & Morrison, T.G. (2020). Intersectional microaggressions and social support for LGBTQ Persons of Colour: A systematic review of the Canadian-based empirical literature. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 16, 111-147. 

Note: * = graduate student; ** = undergraduate student.

Teaching & Supervision

discrimination prejudice psychometrics sexuality stereotyping

I teach a number of courses; however, the ones I instruct most often are Psychology 227 (Human Sexuality) and Psychology 427 (Sexual Minority Issues in Social Psychology).


Currently, I am supervising one doctoral student (Mannie Mirzaei) and one MA student (Terri Croteau).  All of my students, past and present, are actively engaged in the publication process, with co-authored papers appearing in outlets such as Violence against Women, Journal of Homosexuality, Journal of Sex Research, Journal of Lesbian Studies, Sexuality & Culture, Psychology & Sexuality, Journal of Sexual Medicine, and Porn Studies



Stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination body image feminist psychology film studies human sexuality masculinity pornography psychometrics queer studies

My publication list underscores the diversity of my research interests. However, two dominant themes are evident: 1) I conduct research on topics relevant to the lives of sexual minority persons (e.g., gay men, lesbian women, asexual persons, etc.); and 2) I am interested in the ways in which cultural artefacts such as film and music disseminate messages about minoritized groups (e.g., women, gay men, trans persons, etc.).     

Education & Training

I completed my BSc (1st class honours) at the University of Victoria; my MSc at Memorial University of Newfoundland; and my PhD at Queen's University (Kingston).