Picture of Sasha Sukkhu

Sasha Sukkhu Ph.D.


Sessional Lecturer in Psychology and Health Studies

Research Area(s)

  • Acculturation of immigrant children
  • Child development
  • Education
  • Cultural psychology
  • Adolescent development
  • Sociocultural models


Sukkhu, S. C., & University of Saskatchewan, College of Graduate Studies Research. (2024). Examining Acculturation of Immigrant Children in the Domain of School and Education: Understanding the Mechanism of Acculturation Using the Theory of Sociocultural Models. https://hdl.handle.net/10388/15827

Sukkhu, S. (2023). Examining an institutionalized sociocultural model of Canadian education. Journal for New Scholars in Education, 14(1).

Sukkhu, S. & Chirkov, V. (2022, May 18). Examining the (Foundational) Institutional and Conventional Models of Teaching and Learning in Saskatchewan a Canadian Prairie Province [Multi-paper session, CERA - ACCÉ Sociocultural Models and Adaptations] 50th Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference. Online.

Sukkhu, S. & Chirkov, V. (2022, June 18). Examining Acculturation in the Domain of Education Using the Theory of Sociocultural Models [Conversation session: International & Cross-Cultural]. Canadian Psychological Association 2022 National Convention. Calgary.

Sukkhu, S. & Chirkov, V. (2021, July 28). Examining Acculturation in the Domain of Education [Symposium Session] International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology Conference. Online.

Sukkhu, S. (2013). Using life history in the teaching of environmental sustainability: Applying placed-based learning to integral development. Education Matters: The Journal of Teaching and Learning, 1(1).

Teaching & Supervision

Dr. Sukkhu's teaching philosophy is a dynamic blend of guidance, individual empowerment, inclusion, and collaborative learning, all framed within a multicultural and interdisciplinary context. As an educator, she is dedicated to creating learning experiences that promote growth and enlightenment for students. Her approach guides students on the journey of knowledge acquisition, providing them with the tools and confidence to explore and navigate different perspectives within psychology.


PSY 121 Social, Clinical, Cultural and Developmental Bases of Psychology

PSY 214 Adolescent Psychology 

PSY 222  Personality Psychology

PSY 225 Group Dynamics 1

PSY 226 Individual Processes of Social Psychology

PSY 260 Health Psychology

PSY 315 Advanced Socio-Emotional Development I 

PSY 316 Advanced Socio-Emotional Development II 

PSY 418 Advanced Seminar in Psychology - Human Development and Health Psychology


Sasha's academic research has focused on children from diverse cultural backgrounds, attempting to understand their development and learning in a broader social context. Her Ph.D. dissertation is titled Examining Acculturation of Immigrant Children in the Domain of School and Education: Understanding the Mechanism of Acculturation Using a Theory of Sociocultural Models. This project involved three major studies. Methods included conducting comprehensive literature reviews, qualitative interviews, and case studies to establish the sociocultural models of public education in Canada and India. The cultural differences became apparent from the inferred models, as did the mechanism of acculturation that Indian immigrant children used to navigate life and education in Canada.

Education & Training

Ph.D. in Psychology - Culture, Health and Human Development (University of Saskatchewan), RPC - Registered Professional Counsellor (CPCA, No. 3733)

M.Ed. in Educational Foundations (University of Saskatchewan)

Honours in Psychology (University of South Africa)

B.Sc. (Physiology & Psychology), B.Ed. (University of Kwa-Zulu Natal)