Research Area(s)
- Political Theory
- Justice
- Equality
- Political Obligation
- Political Legitimacy
About me
Courses Offered in 2024-2025:
Term I: POLS 236.3 (History of Political Theory)
POLS 336.3 (Justice and Democracy
Research Interests:
Contemporary Political Theory (Social Justice, Political Obligations, Political Legitimacy)
(2024). Justice, Rights, and Toleration: Essays for Richard Vernon. Edited by Neil Hibbert, Charles Jones, and Steven Lecce. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press.
(2024). 'Political Obligation, Fairness, and Involuntary Benefit'. In Hibbert, Jones, and Lecce (eds.) Justice, Rights, and Toleration. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press.
(2019). Applied Political Theory and Canadian Politics. Edited by David McGrane and Neil Hibbert. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
(2019). 'The Changing Normativity of the Canadian Welfare State'. In McGrane and Hibbert (eds.) Applied Political Theory and Canadian Politics. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
(2017). 'Human Rights and Social Justice', Laws, 7/1.
(2016). 'Just Global Governance: a Review Essay', Melbourne Journal of Politics, 37.
(2014). 'Democratic Legitimacy, Risk Governance and GM Food', Social Philosophy Today, 30/1 (co-authored with Lisa Clark).
(2013). 'Cosmopolitan Regard and the Particularity Problem', Journal of International Political Theory, 9/1.
(2011). 'Policy Frameworks for Managing Diversity in Canada'. In John Biles et al (eds.) Integration and Inclusion of Newcomers and Minorities in Canada, Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, (co-authored with Joseph Garcea).
(2010). ‘Exchange and Social Justice’, Theoria, 57/1.
(2010). ‘Property Rights’; ‘Welfare Rights’; ‘Minimalist State’; ‘Contractarianism’; ‘Roman Political Thought’; Economic Theories of the State’; 'Class Consciousness, Envy, and Conflict'; 'C.B. MacPherson’; ‘J. A. Hobson’; 'Robert Nozick'. In G. T. Kurian (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Political Science, Washington, DC: CQ Press (SAGE).
(2010). ‘The Legitimacy of Transnational and Domestic Governance’. In Tina Mavrikos-Adamou (ed.), Problems and Issues in International Relations, Athens: ATINER.
(2008). ‘Citizenship and the Welfare State: a Critique of David Miller’s Nationality Thesis’, Canadian Journal of Political Science, 41/1.
(2007). ‘Is Workfare Egalitarian?’ Politics and Ethics Review, 3/2.
Teaching & Supervision
Contemporary Political Theory, History of Political Theory
equality justice legitimacy political philosophy
Contemporary Political Theory