Picture of Margaret Kennedy

Margaret Kennedy BA Wilfrid Laurier University 1976; MA University of Calgary 1979; PhD University of Calgary 1991

Associate Professor

Graduate Supervisor in Anthropology

Archaeology 226

Research Area(s)

  • Archaeology of homesteading in western Canada
  • Adaptation of immigrant groups
  • Early and late fur trade
  • Northern plains research

About me

Courses Taught and In Development

ARCH 251:  Interpretations of Prehistory

ARCH 352:  Historical Archaeology

ARCH 354:  Archaeology of Culture Contact

ARCH 361:  Archaeological Field Methods

ARCH 852:  Graduate Seminar in Historical Archaeology

ARCH 856:  Graduate Seminar in Fur Trade Archaeology

ARCH 398:  Archaeology of Prairie Settlement

Graduate Students

Denise Gibson (late 19th century whiteware ceramics in Canadian west)

Tam Huynh (urban archaeology; consumption studies 11th Street Saskatoon, residences)

Kris Sullivan (French aristocracy settlement - ethnicity and status)

Karmen VanderZwan (early 20th century native settlement – Stanley Mission)

Michael Markowski (fur trade archaeology – South Branch House)

Kim Wutzke (late 19th century settlement archaeology – Fort Walsh)

Jennifer Schmidt (transition from fur trade to settlement – Hudson’s Bay Company store 1885) 



Selected Publications 

Kennedy MA. 2007.  Homestead archaeology in the Saskatoon region.  Saskatchewan 

Archaeological Society Newsletter 28(4)105-108.

Kennedy MA. 2003.  An archaeological inventory in Wood Mountain, 2000. 

Saskatchewan Archaeological Society Newsletter 24(3):69-76.

Kennedy MA. 2003 Resolving Fort Whoop-Up.  Alberta Archaeological Review


Kennedy MA. 1997.  The Whiskey Trade in the Northern Plains - a Multidisciplinary 

Approach.  Peter Lang Publishing, New York.



Western Canadian settlement archaeology consumption fur trade gender household archaeology settlement

My current research interests lie in the archaeology of homesteading in western Canada with specific focus on the adaptation of immigrant groups to the social and economic environmental there.  For example, I am interested in the ways by which people on isolated farmsteads overcame distances by the maintenance of ties with their community and the wider commercial world.  Aspects of household archaeology, gender and consumption studies all play a role in this research.  My interests in early Western Canadian settlement have also included such site types as an 1870s Metis wintering village site and various Anglo-Canadian settlement sites dating to the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.  Outside of settlement, I have done extensive historical and archaeological research into the late fur trade (i.e. the buffalo robe trade) on the northern plains but also maintain an interest in the earlier fur trade, especially through the work of my graduate students.