The Unfolding of Words: Commentary in the Age of Erasmus, Erasmus Studies, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, forthcoming. (441-page manuscript with 17 illustrations accepted unconditionally 25 June 2010.
“Twenty-first Annual Margaret Mann Phillips Lecture: Tradition and Innovation in Erasmus’ Epistolary Theory: A Reconsideration.” Erasmus of Rotterdam Society Yearbook 29 (2009): 23-59.
"Erasmus von Rotterdam C. Sprachlehre und Sprachkunst," Deutscher Humanismus 1480-1520, hrsg. v. Franz Josef Worstbrock. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. 1.3: 694-703. ["Grammar and Rhetoric" in the article on "Erasmus of Rotterdam" in Volume 1, Fascicle 3, of German Humanism 1480-1520. This section of the article covers the following six works by Erasmus: De copia, De constructione octo partes orationis, De conscribendis epistolis, Brevissima formula, De recta latini ac graeci sermonis pronuntiatione dialogus, Ciceronianus.] 2008.
“Humanism and the Humanities: Erasmus's Opus de conscribendis epistolis in Sixteenth-Century Schools.” Letter-Writing Manuals from Antiquity to the Present: Historical and Bibliographic Studies. Ed. Carol Poster and Linda C. Mitchell. Columbia: The University of South Carolina Press. 2007: 141-77.
“Professors of Eloquence and Philosophy: Muret in Two Parisian Controversies.” Autour de Ramus II - Le Combat. Études réunies par Kees Meerhoff et Jean-Claude Moisan avec la collaboration de Michel Magnien. Paris: Honoré Champion. 2005: 341-89.
Judith Rice Henderson has published in two areas: 1) Renaissance English literature (articles on John Lyly, Edmund Spenser, Thomas Wilson, Francis Bacon, Angel Day, and John Heywood in English Literary Renaissance, The Spenser Encyclopedia, Studies in Philology, and the Dictionary of Literary Biography); and 2) neo-Latin rhetoric in the intellectual, social, and political contexts of the Renaissance and Reformation (articles on Desiderius Erasmus, Juan Luis Vives, Philip Melanchthon, Johann Sturm, Petrus Ramus, and other humanists in journals and essay collections, and thirteen biographies in Contemporaries of Erasmus). She is Past President of the International Society for the History of Rhetoric (1995-1997) and the Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies (1998-2000) and founder of the Canadian Society for the Study of Rhetoric (1980).