Picture of Igor Morozov

Igor Morozov M.Sc., Ph.D.


Faculty Member in Geological Sciences
Graduate Supervisor in Geological Sciences

Geology 142

Research Area(s)

  • Seismic methods
  • Deep Earth
  • Ground-penetrating radar
  • Geophysical software development

About me

Seismology, rock physics, and potential-field imaging.

Teaching & Supervision

GEOL483 ( Seismology)

GEOL335 (Introduction to seismic and GPR methods)

GEOL485 (Geophysical methods)

Various graduate classes in Geophysics on demand.


Anelasticity Imaging Mantle Q Seismology

Seismology at all scales: shallow, exploration, regional using nuclear explosions, global, free oscillations of the Earth, and lunar seismology.

Seismic attenuation and anelasticity. Theoretical research in materials science.

Development of software for geophysical data analysis.

Education & Training

Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, 1985)