Picture of David Meyer

David Meyer B.A., M.A., Ph.D

Professor Emeritus

Anthropology professor emeritus

Archaeology 113


Selection of Publications (by Year)

  • Meyer, D, Patrick Young. "Winnipeg Fabric-impressed Ware in Saskatchewan". Saskatchewan Archaeology Quaterly 10, 3 (2024): 76-81.
  • David Meyer, Timothy Allan. "Source Analysis of the Mudrick Site (FeNe-2) Obsidian". Saskatchewan Archaeology Quarterly 8, 3 (2022): 93-97.
  • Thomas W. Stevenson, David Meyer. "The atlatl weights of Saskatchewan" In Archaeological discoveries and syntheses in Western Canada, 2020, edited by John Brink, 1-32. Edmonton, Alberta: Archaeological Survey of Alberta, 2021.
  • David Meyer, Leo Pettipas. "Alberta and Cody Points from the Bed of Glacial Lake Agassiz, Arborfield/Carrot River Region, Saskatchewan". Saskatchewan Archaeology Quaterly 3, 1 (2017): 18-26.
  • David Meyer, Jenna S. Johnston, Steven C. Kasstan, and Laura Roskowski-Nuttall. "6100 B.P. at the Below Forks Site (FhNg-25)". Canadian Journal of Archaeology 40, 1 (2016): 126-163.
  • David Meyer. "Professor Vigfusson’s “Little Pink Pot.”". Saskatchewan Archaeology Quarterly 1, 1 (2015): 22-28.
  • David Meyer, Terry Gibson, Dale Russell. "The Quest for Pasquatinow: An Aboriginal Gathering Centre in the Saskatchewan River Valley". Prairie Forum 38, 01 (2013): 183-205.
  • David Meyer, Alwynne B. Beaudoin and Leslie J. Amundson. "Human Ecology of the Canadian Prairie Ecozone ca. 9000 BP: The Paleo-Indian Period" In Human Ecology of the Canadian Prairie Ecozone, 11,000 to 300 BP, edited by Beverley A. Nicholson, 5-53. Regina, SK: Canadian Plains Research Centre Press, University of Regina, 2011.
  • Dale Walde, David Meyer, Patrick Young. "Precontact Pottery in Alberta: An Overview". Manitoba Archaeological Journal 16, 1 (2010): 139-165.
  • David Meyer, Peggy McKeand, J. Michael Quigg, Gary Wowchuk. "The River House Complex: Middle Woodland on the Northwestern Periphery". Manitoba Archaeological Journal 16, 02 (2010): 105-138.
  • David Meyer, Thomas R. Smith. "The Mudrick Site: Selkirk in the Saskatchewan Parklands". Canadian Journal of Archaeology 34, 2 (2010): 174-211.
  • David Meyer, Dale Walde. "Rethinking Avonlea: Pottery Wares and Cultural Phases". Plains Anthropologist 54, 209 (2009): 49-73.


The archaeology and ethnohistory/ethnography of the western Canadian interior boreal
forest and adjacent northern plains.

A long term interest is hunter/gatherer ethnology, particularly relating to the boreal
forest peoples of North America.

Awards & Honours

  • Smith-Wintemberg award, awarded by Canadian Archaeological Association May 2021
  • William A. Marjerrison Award, awarded by Saskatchewan Archaeological Society January 2006