Picture of Daniel Billett

Daniel Billett M.Phs., Ph.D.

Post Doctoral Fellow

Postdoctoral Fellow in Physics & Engineering Physics

Physics 308.1

Research Area(s)

  • Magnetosphere-Thermosphere-Ionosphere coupling, and its consequences on the atmosphere
  • Aurorally driven conductivity enhancements,
  • Thermospheric winds and their role in frictional heating


  • Ivarsen, M. F.,  Huyghebaert, D. R.,  Gillies, M. D.,  St-Maurice, J.-P.,  Themens, D. R.,  Oppenheim, M., Gustavsson, B. J., Billett, D. D., Pitzel, B., Galeschuk, D., Donovan, E., Hussey, G. C. (2024).  Turbulence around auroral arcs. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics,  129, e2023JA032309


Atmospheric coupling Aurora Ionospheric Physics SuperDARN


How does the Earth's neutral atmosphere respond to the violent bombardment of charged particles from the Sun?

How do auroral processes and magnetic storms influence how coupled the atmosphere is the to the magnetosphere?

Where does all that energy go, and how could it affect us?

I mainly work with data from the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN), as well as other ionosphere/thermosphere sensing instruments like Fabry-Perot Interferometers, Incoheerent Scatter Radars, and all-sky imagers.

Education & Training

2016-2019: PhD Space Physics, Lancaster University, United Kingdom

Thesis: "The great space weather washing machine: Examining the dynamics of high-latitude ionosphere-thermosphere coupling

2015-2016: PGCE in post-compulsory education, Cardiff University, United Kingdom

2011-2015: MPhys Astrophysics, Aberystwyth University, United Kingdom

Awards & Honours

  • ESA Living Planet Fellowship, awarded by European Space Agency October 2021
  • JSPS Fellowship for Research in Japan, awarded by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science JPN February 2019
  • Dean's Award for PhD excellence, awarded by Lancaster University GBR December 2018