Picture of Dr. Cherie Westbrook

Dr. Cherie Westbrook Hon. B.Sc. (Toronto), M.Sc. (Alberta), Ph.D. (Colorado State)


Faculty Member in Geography & Planning
Graduate Supervisor in Geography & Planning

Kirk Hall 114

Research Area(s)

  • Ecohydrology
  • Wetlands
  • Peatlands
  • Beaver
  • Wetland conservation





Teaching & Supervision

ecohydrology field course hydrology professional practice in water security river systems


Ecohydrology Rocky Mountains beaver peatlands water storage wetand conservation

My team studies the co-evolution of ecological and hydrological processes that explain mountain wetland structure, function and resilience to changing environmental conditions to inform policy and regulatory discussions about wetland conservation, management and restoration.

Education & Training

Colorado State University, Ph.D. in Ecology, December 2005.

University of Alberta, M.Sc. in Environmental Biology and Ecology, August 2000.

University of Toronto, Hon. B.Sc. in Environmental Science, May 1997.