Picture of Allyson Stevenson

Allyson Stevenson PhD History

Gabriel Dumont Institute Chair in Métis Studies

Faculty Member in Indigenous Studies

Kirk Hall 129

Research Area(s)

  • Métis History
  • Métis Political Activism
  • Indigenous Women's Political Organizing
  • Indigenous Child Welfare History
  • Indigenous Children and Childhoods
  • Metis Culture
  • Gender and Indigenous Rights


Indigenous Child Welfare History Métis History

Stevenson, A.D. (In Press).  Intimate Integration: The Sixties Scoop and the Colonization of Indigenous Kinship. Toronto:University of Toronto Press, (December 2017).

Stevenson, A.D. (In Press) “Demanding the Right to Care for Métis Children in Saskatchewan: A History of the Métis Society Resisting Child Removal in the 1970’s” in Yvonne Boyer and Larry Chartrand (eds), Métis Rising: Beading Métis Social and Economic Well-Being: Historical and Contemporary Accounts,Vol. 2.  Vancouver: UBC Press, (January 2018).

Stevenson, A.D. & Cheryl Troupe, (In Press) "From Kitchen Tables to Formal Organization: Indigenous Women's Social and Political Activism in Saskatchewan to 1980” in Sarah Carter and Nanci Langford (eds), The History of Women’s Political and Social Activism in the Canadian West,Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, (August 2017).

Stevenson, A.D. (2019) “Karen B., and Indigenous Girlhood on the Prairies: Disrupting the Images of Indigenous Children in Adoption Advertising in North America,” Kristine Moruzi, Nell Musgrove and Carla Pascoe Leahy (eds),Children’s Voices from the Past: New Historical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Palgrave Studies in the History of Childhood, Cham: Palgrave-Macmillan, 159-190.

Stevenson, A.D. (2019) ""Democracy in Action:" International Adoption in Twentieth-Century America." Reviews in American History 47(20: 271-278. 

Stevenson, A.D. (2015)  “The Adoption of Frances T: Blood, Belonging, and Aboriginal Transracial Adoption in Twentieth-Century Canada” in Canadian Journal of History,50 (3) WINTER (469-491). 

Stevenson, A.D. (2013) “Vibrations Across a Continent: The 1978 Indian Child Welfare Act, and the politicization of First Nations leaders in Saskatchewan” in American Indian Quarterly, 37(1- 2): 218-236.

Stevenson, A.D. (2004).  “Ambassadors Between the East and the West”: The Métis and the Numbered Treaties, 1871-1877” inKary Jane McCallum and Denise Fuchs,Intersecting Worlds: Rural and Urban Aboriginal Issues,St. John's College Press.

Stevenson, A.D. (2009) “As Men of Their Own Blood”: Métis Participation in the Western Numbered Treaties", Native Studies Review,18 (1): 67-90.

Stevenson, A.D. “William McKay” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, Volume WVI (1931-1940) www.biography.ca/en/bio/mckay_william_16E.html2018.


Indigenous Child Welfare History Métis History Métis Political Activism

My research program is titled “Métis Communities in the West: Politics and Place.”  The program seeks to generate a comprehensive history of the diverse Métis communities that emerged Western Canada in the twentieth century, looking at scrip records, homestead records, and government documents along with oral histories. This profoundly important period witnessed the cultural, political and collective re-emergence of a devastated people. Saskatchewan in particular was home to leaders who have transformed the intellectual, cultural and political landscape of Canada.  My vision for the Chair encompasses contributing to a dynamic field of academic inquiry, Métis studies, as well as raising the profile of Métis histories more broadly.  

This work connects family and place-based histories to the larger Métis homeland, mapping locations of historic Métis communities, road allowance communities and subsequent dispersals. Historic Métis communities in the West outside Red River are significant spaces where Métis peoples generated adaptive communities connected to landscapes, with distinctive cultural, social, political and economic expressions. As Métis people moved out of Manitoba in the 1870’s into the west, families settled in familiar and unfamiliar places, joined pre-existing communities where they may have had kinship ties or formed new communities.  These processes form the basis of Métis experience; mobility, migration, and Métis community-building that have contributed to distinct political identities and organizing strategies that Métis people have adopted. 

In Canada, the Métis people have occupied a liminal space legally, culturally and spatially. Unlike elsewhere in the world, Canadian Métis people successfully secured their place as constitutionally recognized Aboriginal peoples in 1982. However, the period following the 1885 resistance and prior to constitutional recognition provides insight into the resurgence of Métis peoples.  This case study of Anglo-Metis and Scots-Metis communities will focus specifically on Métis notions of land, peoplehood, experiences of colonization and Métis kinship with First Nations and French-Metis peoples.  This research project will build towards the larger, comprehensive history of Métis communities in the West. 

Education & Training

Ph.D., University of Saskatchewan, 2015, Department of History

M.A, University of Saskatchewan, 2004, Department of History

B.A. (Honours) University of Saskatchewan, 2001, Department of History