Picture of Angela Kalinowski

Angela Kalinowski BA (Alberta) MA (Toronto), PhD (Toronto)


History professor emeritus

Arts 715

Research Area(s)

  • Inscriptions and Public Writing in the Roman Empire (epigraphy)
  • Spectacle in the Roman Empire
  • Architecture and Patronage in Roman Empire
  • Roman History and Culture
  • Roman Archaeology

About me


Memory, Family and Community in Roman Ephesos. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press, 2021.

"A Re-discovered Inscription from Ephesos: A Funerary Monument for Vedia Kalliste," Tyche 34 (2019): 81-88.

"A Mosaic of Daniel in the Lions' Den from Borj el Youdi (Furnos Minus) Tunisia: The Iconography of Martyrdom and the Arena In Roman North Africa," Antiquites Africaines 53 (2017): 115-128.

"Of Stones and Stonecutters: Reflections on the Genesis of Two Parallel Texts from Ephesos (IvE 672 and 3080)", Tyche 21 (2006): 53-72.

"Toponyms in IvE 672 and IvE 3080: interpreting collective action in honorific inscriptions from Ephesos," Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Insitutes 75 (2006):117-132.

"A Series of Honorific Statue Bases for the Vedii in the Market Agora at Ephesos (IvE 725, 731, 3076-3078)" Acta XII Congressus Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae. Barcelona, 2006, 757-762.

S. T. Stevens, A. V. Kalinowski, H. vanderLeest. Bir Ftouha, A Pilgrimage Church Complex at Carthage. Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplement Series 59. Portsmouth, RI 2005.

"The Roman and early Byzantine Pottery " in S. T. Stevens, A. V. Kalinowski, H. vanderLeest. Bir Ftouha, A pilgrimage Church Complex at Carthage. Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplement Series 59. Portsmouth, RI, 2005. 115-180.

with S.T. Stevens and C.K. Walth. "The Medieval and Modern Periods at Bir Ftouha" in S. T. Stevens, A. V. Kalinowski, J. vanderLeest,  Bir Ftouha, A pilgrimage Church Complex at Carthage. Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplement Series 59. Portsmouth, RI, 2005, 488-536.

"The Vedii Antonini:Aspects of Patronage and Benefaction in 2nd c. Ephesos," Phoenix 56 (2002): 109-149 and 4 plates.

with H. Taeuber, "A New Antonine Inscription and a New Imperial Statue-Group from the Bouleuterion at Ephesos," Journal of Roman Archaeology 14 (2001): 351-57.

with S. Stevens and J. vanderLeest, "Interim Report on Excavations of a Christian Complex at Bir Ftouha," Journal of Roman Archaeology 11 (1998) 371-83.

"The Pottery from Unit 4000," in S.T. Stevens, Bir el Knissia at Carthage: A Rediscovered Extramural Cemetery Church, Report no. 1. Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series, no. 11 , 1993, 155-77.


My teaching includes survey courses in Greek and Roman History, and junior and senior courses in Greek and Latin. I also teach senior seminars on the spectacle in the Roman empire, and on architecture and patroange in the city of Rome. 


Roman Architecture and Archaeology Roman History and Culture Roman Inscriptions (epigraphy)