Research Area(s)
- How structural and compositional changes affect the electronic structure of rare-earth (and transition-metal) oxides, silicates, and pnictides using X-ray spectroscopy
- Developing materials capable of sequestering nuclear waste
- A XANES examination of the stability of the crystal structure of monozite and xenotime rare-earth phosphates after implantation by heavy ions
- Understanding materials using X-ray spectroscopy
- Examination of the electronic structure and structural stability of Pyrochlore- and Zirconolite-type oxides
97. Mikhchian, M., Grosvenor, A. P. (2024) An investigation of the long-term aqueous corrosion behaviour of glass-zirconolite composite materials (Fe-Al-BG-CaZrTi2O7) as a potential nuclear wasteform. Corrosion Science. 228: 111831.
96. Mumbaraddi, D., Mishra, V., Jomaa, M., Liu, X., Karmakar, A., Thirupurasanthiran, S., Michaelis, V. K., Grosvenor, A. P., Meldrum, A., Mar, A. (2023) Controlling the luminescence of rare-earth chalcogenide iodides RE2(Be1-xSix)2S8I (RE = La, Ce, and Pr) and Ce3Si2(S1-ySey)8I. Chemistry of Materials. 35: 6039 - 6049.
95. Rafiuddin, M. R., Donato, G., McCaugherty, S., Mesbah, A., Grosvenor, A. P. (2022) A review of rare-earth phosphate materials for nuclear waste sequestration applications. ACS Omega. 7: 39482 - 39490.
94. Chadirji-Martinez, K., Grosvenor, A. P., Crawford, A., Chernikov, R., Heredia, E., Feng, R., Pan, Y. (2022) Thorium speciation in synthetic anhydrite: implications for thorium management and recovery from rare-earth mine tailings. Hydrometallurgy. 214: 105965.
93. Saoudi, M., Hayes, J. R., Lang, J., Grosvenor, A. P., Do, T., Mouris, J. (2022) Oxidation behaviour of thorium-uranium mixed oxides in controlled oxidation experiments. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 572: 154047.
92. Rafiuddin, M. R., Guo, S., Donato, G., Grosvenor, A. P., Dacheux, N., Cava, R. J., Mesbah, A. (2022) Structural and magnetic properties of churchite-type REPO4*2H2O materials. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 312: 123261.
91. Situm, A., Guo, X., Barlow, B. C., Guo, B., Burgess, I. J., Grosvenor, A. P. (2021) A study of the corrosion of the polymethyl methacrylate coated rebar using glancing angle X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy. CORROSION. 77: 1291 - 1298.
90. Dragomir, M., Arcon, I., Dube, P., Beam, J. C., Grosvenor, A. P., King, G., Greedan, J. E. (2021) A new family of anisotropic spin glasses, Ba1-xLa1+xMnO4+δ. Physical Review Materials. 5: 074403.
89. Lozano-Gorrin, A. D., Wright, B., Dube, P. A., Marjerrison, C. A., Yuan, F., King, G., Ryan, D. H., Gonzalez-Silgo, C., Cranswick, L. M. D., Grosvenor, A. P., Greedan, J. E. (2021) Magnetism in mixed valence, defect, cubic perovskites: BaIn1-xFexO2.5+δ, x = 0.25, 0.50, and 0.75. Local and average structures. ACS Omega. 6: 6017-6029.
88. Vrublevskiy, D., Lussier, J. A., Panchuk, J. R., Mauws, C., Beam, J. C., Wiebe, C. R., Grosvenor, A. P., Bieringer, M. (2021) Understanding the interplay of vacancy, cation, and charge ordering in the tunable Sc2VO5+δ defect fluorite system. Inorganic Chemistry. 60: 872-882.
87. Donato, G., Grosvenor, A. P. (2020) Effect of glass composition on the crystallization of CePO4-borosilicate glass composite materials. Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 98: 7010-707.
86. Situm, A., Beam, J. C., Hughes, K. A., Rowson, J., Crawford, A., Grosvenor, A. P. (2020) Analysis of low concentration U species within U mill tailings using X-ray microprobe. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena. 244: 146992.
85. Donato, G., Grosvenor, A. P. (2020) Crystallization of rare-earth phosphate borosilicate glass composites synthesized by a one-step coprecipitation method. Crystal Growth & Design. 20: 2217-2231.
84. Situm, A., Beam, J. C., Hughes, K. A., Rowson, J., Essilfie-Dughan, J., Crawford, A., Grosvenor, A. P. (2020) An X-ray spectromicroscopy study of the calcium mineralization in the JEB tailings management facility at McClean Lake, Saskatchewan. Applied Geochemistry. 112: 104459.
83. Barlow, B. C., Guo, B., Situm, A., Grosvenor, A. P., Burgess, I. J. (2019) Shell isolated nanoparticle enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SHINERS) studies of steel surface corrosion. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 853: 113559.
82. Beam, J. C., Hehn, A. G., Grosvenor, A. P. (2019) Mixed valence cerium substitution in Gd2-xCexTi2O7 pyrochlores. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena. 234: 5-12.
81. Bieringer, M., Stewart, J. R., Grosvenor, A. P., Dragomir, M., Greedan, J. E. (2019) The quenching of long range order and the Mn3+ ordered moment in the layered antiferromagnet, BaxSr1-xLaMnO4: A polarized neutron scattering study. Inorganic Chemistry. 58: 4300-4309.
80. Guo, X., Situm, A., Barlow, B. C., Guo, B., Burgess, I.J., Grosvenor, A. P. (2019) Soft X-ray spectromicroscopy studies of pitting corrosion of reinforcing steel bar. Surface and Interface Analysis. 51: 681-691.
79. Sifat, R., Beam, J. C., Grosvenor, A. P. (2019) Investigation of factors that affect the oxidation state of Ce in the garnet-type structure. Inorganic Chemistry. 58: 2299-2306.
78. Situm, A., Guo, X., Guo, B., Barlow, B. C., Burgess, I. J., Grosvenor, A. P (2019) A spectromicroscopy study of the corrosion of fusion-bonded epoxy-coated rebar. Surface and Interface Analysis. 51: 525-530.77.
77. McCaugherty, S., Grosvenor, A. P. (2019) Low-temperature synthesis of CaZrTi2O7 zirconolite-type materials using ceramic, coprecipitation, and sol-gel methods. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 7: 177-187.
76. Donato, G., Holzscherer, D., Beam, J. C., Grosvenor, A .P. (2018) A one-step synthesis of rare-earth phosphate-borosilicate glass composites. RSC Advances. 8: 39053-39065.
75. Ebinumoliseh, I., Grosvenor, A. P. (2018) Effect of synthetic method and annealing temperature on the structure of hollandite-type oxides. Inorganic Chemistry. 57: 14353-14361.
74. Situm, A., Guo, X., Barlow, B. C., Guo, B., Burgess, I. J., Grosvenor, A. P. (2018) A spectromicroscopy study of polymer-coated steel. Corrosion Science. 145: 35-46.
73. Barlow, B. C., Situm, A., Guo, B, Guo, X., Grosvenor, A. P., Burgess, I. J. (2018) X-ray microprobe characterization of corrosion at the buried polymer-steel interface. Corrosion Science. 144: 198-206.
72. Rafiuddin, M. R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2018) An investigation of the chemical durability of hydrous and anhydrous rare-earth phosphates. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 509: 631 - 643.
71. Sifat, R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2018) Examination of the site preference in garnet type (X3A2B3O12; X = Y, A/B = Al, Ga, Fe) materials. Solid State Sciences. 83: 56 - 64.
70. Blanchard, P.E.R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2018) Investigating the local structure of B-site cations in (1-x)BaTiO3-xxBiScO3 and (1-x)PbTiO3-xBiScO3 using X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Solid State Sciences. 79: 6-14.
69. Paknahad, E., Grosvenor, A. P. (2017) Investigation of the stability of glass-ceramic composites containing CeTi2O6 and CaZrTi2O7 after ion implantation. Solid State Sciences. 74: 109-117.
68. Aluri, E. R., Bachiu, L. M., Grosvenor, A. P., Forbes, S. H., Greedan, J. E. (2017) Assessing the oxidation states and structural stability of the Ce analogue of brannerite for nuclear waste sequestration applications. Surface and Interface Analysis. 49: 1335-1344.
67. Paknahad, E., Grosvenor, A. P. (2017) Investigation of CeTi2O6- and CaZrTi2O7-containing glass-ceramic composite materials. Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 95: 1110-1121.
66. Rafiuddin, M. R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2016) A structural investigation of hydrous and anhydrous rare-earth phosphates. Inorganic Chemistry. 55: 9185 - 9695.
65. Blanchard, P. E. R., Grosvenor, A. P., Rowson, J., Hughes, K., Brown, C. (2016) Identifying calcium-containing mineral species in the JEB tailings management facility at McClean Lake, Saskatchewan. Applied Geochemistry. 73: 98 - 108.
64. Aluri, E. R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2016) A review of X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopic studies of pyrochlore-type oxides proposed for nuclear materials applications. Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Science and Engineering. 11644-0: 1-14.
63. Grosvenor, A. P., Bellhouse, E. M., Korinek, A., Bugnet, M., McDermid, J. R. (2016) XPS and EELS characterization of Mn2SiO4, MnSiO3, and MnAl2O4. Applied Surface Science. 379: 242 - 248.
62. Hayes, J. R., Grosvenor, A. P., Saoudi, M. (2016) An investigation of the thermal stability of NdxScyZr1-x-yO2 materials proposed for inert matrix fuel applications. Inorganic Chemistry. 55: 1032 - 1043.
61. Hayes, J. R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2016) Investigation of NdxY0.25-xZr0.75O1.88 inert matrix fuel materials made by a co-precipitation synthetic route. Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 94: 198 - 210.
60. Grosvenor, A. P., Biesinger, M. C., Smart, R. St.-C., Gerson, A. R. (2016) "The influence of final-state effects on XPS spectra from first-row transition-metals" in Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (HAXPES). Springer, Berlin. 217 - 262.
59. Aluri, E. R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2015) A study of the electronic structure and structural stability of Gd2Ti2O7 based glass-ceramic composites. RSC Advances. 5: 80939 - 80949.
58. Rafiuddin, M. R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2015) Probing the effect of radiation damage on the structure of rare-earth phosphates. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 653: 279 - 289.
57. Blanchard, P. E. R., Hayes, J. R., Grosvenor, A. P., Rowson, J., Hughes, K., Brown, C (2015) Investigating the geochemical model for molybdenum mineralization in the JEB tailings management facility at McClean Lake, Saskatchewan: An X-ray absorption spectroscopy study. Environmental Science & Technology. 49: 6504-6509.
56. Thompson, C. M., Chi, L., Hayes, J. R., Hallas, A., Wilson, M., Swainson, I. P., Grosvenor, A. P., Luke, G., Greedan, J. E. (2015) Synthesis, structure, and magnetic properties of novel B-site ordered double perovskites, SrLaMReO6 (M = Mg, Mn, Co and Ni). Dalton Transactions. 44: 10806.
55. Hayes, J. R., Grosvenor, A. P., Saoudi, M. (2015) An investigation of the thermal stability of NdxYyZr1-x-yO2 inert matrix fuel materials. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 635: 245-255.
54. Aluri, E. R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2014) An investigation of the electronic structure and structural stability of RE2Ti2O7 by glancing angle and total electron yield XANES. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 616: 516 - 526.
53. Rafiuddin, M. R., Mueller, E., Grosvenor, A. P. (2014) X-ray spectroscopic study of the electronic structure of monazite- and xenotime-type rare-earth phosphates. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 118: 18000 - 18009.
52. Walker, J. D. S., Hayes, J. R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2014) Examination of the site preference of metals in NiAl2-xGaxO4 spinel-type oxides by X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena. 195: 139 - 144.
51. Hayes, J. R., Grosvenor, A. P., Rowson, J., Hughes, K., Frey, R. A., Reid, J. (2014) Analysis of the Mo-speciation in the JEB tailings management facility at McClean Lake, Saskatchewan. Environmental Science & Technology. 48: 4460 - 4467.
50. Aluri, E. R., Hayes, J. R., Walker, J. D. S., Grosvenor, A. P. (2014) Investigation of the structural stability of ion implanted Gd2Ti2-xSnxO7 pyrochlore-type oxides by glancing angle X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry C.118: 7910 - 7922.
49. Walker, J. D. S., Grosvenor, A. P. (2013) The effect of synthetic method and annealing temperature on metal site preference in Al1-xGaxFeO3. Inorganic Chemistry. 52: 8612 - 8620.
48. Aluri, E. R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2013) An X-ray absorption spectroscopic study of the effect of bond covalency on the electronic structure of Gd2Ti2-xSnxO7. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 15: 10477 - 10486.
47. Revoy, M. N., Scott, R. W. J., Grosvenor, A. P. (2013) Ceria nano-cubes: dependence of the electronic structure on synthetic and experimental conditions. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 117: 10095 - 10105.
46. Walker, J. D. S., Hayes, J. R., Gaultois, M. W., Aluri, E. R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2013) A case for oxygen deficiency in Gd2Ti2-xZrxO7 pyrochlore-type oxides. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 565: 44-49.
45. Aluri, E. R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2013) An investigation of pyrochlore-type oxides (Yb2Ti2-xFexO7) by XANES. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 74: 830-836.
44. Walker, J. D. S., Grosvenor, A. P. (2013) An X-ray absorption spectrsocopic study of the metal site preference in Al1-xGaxFeO3. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 197: 147-153.
43. Hayes, J. R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2013) An investigation of the electronic structure of Cu2FeSn3-xTixS8 (0 < x < 3) thiospinel spin-crossover materials by X-ray absorption spectroscopy and electronic structure calculations. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 197: 532-542.
42. Crerar, S. J., Mar, A., Grosvenor, A. P. (2012) Electronic structure of rare-earth chromium antimonides (RECrSb3 (RE = La-Nd, Sm, Gd-Dy, Yb) by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 196: 79-86.
41. Hayes, J. R, Grosvenor, A. P. (2012) An investigation of the Fe and Mo oxidation states in Sr2Fe2-xMoxO6 (0.25 < x < 1.0) double perovskites by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 537: 323-331.
40. Huynh, L. T., Eger, S. B., Walker, J. D. S., Hayes, J. R., Gaultois, M. W., Grosvenor, A. P. (2012) How temperature influences the stoichiometry of CeTi2O6. Solid State Sciences. 14: 761-767.
39. Gaultois, M. W., Grosvenor, A. P. (2012) XANES and XPS investigations of the local structure and final-state effects in amorphous metal silicates: (ZrO2)x(TiO2)y(SiO2)1-x-y. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 14: 205-217.
38. Hayes, J. R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2011) An X-ray absorption spectroscopic study of the electronic structure and bonding of rare-earth orthoferrites. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 23: 465502/1-8.
37. Sigrist, J. A., Walker, J. D. S., Hayes, J. R., Gaultois, M. W., Grosvenor, A. P. (2011) Determining the effect of Ru substitution on the thermal stability of CeFe4-xRuxSb12. Solid State Sciences. 13: 2041-2048.
36. Ramezanipour, F., Greedan, J. E., Siewenie, J., Proffen, Th., Ryan, D. H., Grosvenor, A .P., Donaberger, R. L. (2011) The local and average structures and magnetic properties of Sr2FeMnO5+y, y = 0.0, 0.5. Comparisons with Ca2FeMnO5 and the effect of the A-site cation. Inorganic Chemistry. 50: 7779-7791.
35. Peddle, J. M., Gaultois, M. W., Grosvenor, A. P. (2011) On the oxidation of EuFe4Sb12 and EuRu4Sb12. Inorganic Chemistry. 50: 6263-6268.
34. Sigrist, J. A., Gaultois, M. W. and Grosvenor, A. P. (2011) An investigation of the Fe K-edge XANES spectra from
Fe1-xGaxSbO4: local versus non-local excitations. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 115: 1908-1912.
33. Gaultois, G.W. and Grosvenor, A.P. (2011) XANES and XPS investigations of (TiO2)x(SiO2)1-x: the contribution of
final-state relaxation to shifts in absorption and binding energies. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 21: 1829-1836.
32. Biesinger, M.C., Payne, B.P., Grosvenor, A.P., Lau, L.M.W., Gerson, A. and Smart, R. St. C. (2011) Resolving surface
chemical states in XPS analysis of first row transition-metals, oxides, and hydroxides: Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni. Applied
Surface Science. 257: 2717-2730.
31. Gaultois, G.W. and Grosvenor, A.P. (2010) Coordination-induced shifts of absorption and binding energies in the
SrFe1-xZnxO3 system. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 114: 19822-19829.
30. Ramezanipour, F., Greedan, J.E., Grosvenor, A.P., Britten, J.F., Cranswick, L.M.D., and Garlea, V.O. (2010) Intra-layer
cation ordering in a brownmillerite super-structure: synthesis, crystal and magnetic structures of Ca2FeCoO5. Chemistry of
Materials. 22: 6008-6020.
29. Gaultois, M.W., Greedan, J.E., and Grosvenor, A.P. (2010) Investigation of coordination changes in substituted
transition-metal oxides by K-edge XANES: beyond the pre-edge. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena.
In Press.
28. Sklad, A.C., Gaultois, M.W., and Grosvenor, A.P. (2010) Examination of CeFe4Sb12 upon exposure to air: is this
material appropriate for use in terrestrial, high-temperature thermoelectric devices? Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 505:
27. Gaultois, M.W., Grosvenor, A.P., Blanchard, P.E., and Mar, A. (2010) Ternary arsenides Zr(SixAs1-x)As with
PbCl2-type (0 < x < 0.4) and PbFCl-type (x = 0.6) structures. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 492: 19-25.
26. Blanchard, P.E., Slater, B.R., Cavell, R.G., Mar, A., and Grosvenor, A.P. (2010) Electronic structure of lanthanum
transition-metal oxyarsenides LaMAsO (M=Fe, Co, Ni) and LaFe1-xM'xAsO (M'=Co, Ni) by X-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy. Solid State Sciences. 12: 50-58.
25. Grosvenor, A.P., Ramezanipour, F., Derakhshan, S., Maunders, C., Botton, G.A., and Greedan, J.E. (2009) Effects of
bond-character on the electronic structure of Brownmillerite-phase oxides, Ca2B'xFe2-xO5 (B' = Al, Ga); an X-ray
absorption and electron energy loss spectroscopic study. Journal of Materials Chemistry.19: 9213-9220.
24. Blanchard, P.E.R., Grosvenor, A.P., Cavell, R.G., and Mar, A. (2009) Effects of metal substitution in transition-metal
phosphides (Ni1-xM'x)2P (M' = Cr, Fe, Co) studied by X-ray photoelectron and absorption spectroscopy. Journal of
Materials Chemistry. 19: 6015-6022.
23. Grosvenor, A.P., Cavell, R.G., and Mar, A. (2009) "Bonding and electronic structure of phosphides, arsenides, and
antimonides by X-ray photoelectron and absorption spectroscopies" in Structure and Bonding: Controlled assembly and
Modification of Inorganic Systems. Springer, Berlin. 133: 41-92.
22. Grosvenor, A.P., and Greedan, J.E. (2009) Analysis of metal site preference and electronic structure of
Brownmillerite-phase oxides (A2B'xB2-xO5; A = Ca, Sr; B'/B = Al, Mn, Fe, Co) by X-ray absorption near-edge
spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 113: 11366-11372.
21. Blanchard, P.E.R., Grosvenor, A.P., Cavell, R.G., and Mar, A. (2008) X-ray photoelectron and absorption spectroscopy
of metal-rich phosphides M2P and M3P (M = Cr - Ni). Chemistry of Materials. 20: 7081-7088.
20. Zelinska, O.Ya., Tkachuk, A.V., Grosvenor, A.P., and Mar, A. (2008) Structure and physical properties of YbZn2Sb2
and YbCd2Sb2. Chemistry of Metals and Alloys. 1: 204-209.
19. Biesinger, M.C., Payne, B.P., Hart, B.R., Grosvenor, A.P., McIntyre, N.S., Lau, L.W.M., and Smart, R.St.C. (2008)
Quantitative chemical state XPS analysis of first row transition metals, oxides and hydroxides. Journal of Physics: Conference
Series. 100: 012025.
18. Grosvenor, A.P., Cavell, R.G., and Mar, A. (2008) Next-nearest neighbour contributions to the XPS binding energies and
XANES absorption energies of P and As in transition-metal arsenide phosphides MAs1-yPy having the MnP-type structure.
Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 181: 2549-2558.
17. Grosvenor, A.P., Cavell, R.G., and Mar, A. (2007) ARXPS study of the ion mobility through (HfO2)x(SiO2)1-x formed
on air-exposed HfSi0.5As1.5. Surface and Interface Analysis. 40: 490-494..
16. Grosvenor, A.P., Cavell, R.G., and Mar, A. (2007) Next-nearest neighbour contribution to P 2p3/2 X-ray photoelectron
binding energy shifts of mixed transition-metal phosphides M1-xM'xP with the MnP-type structure. Journal of Solid State
Chemistry. 180: 2702-2712.
15. Grosvenor, A.P., Cavell, R.G., Mar, A., and Blyth, R.I.R. (2007) Electronic structure of Hf(Si0.5As0.5)As by X-ray
photoelectron and photoemission spectroscopy. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 180: 2670-2681.
14. Payne, B.P., Grosvenor, A.P., Biesinger, M.C., Kobe, B.A., and McIntyre, N.S. (2007) Structure and growth of oxides
on polycrystalline nickel surfaces. Surface and Interface Analysis. 39: 582-592.
13. Grosvenor, A.P., Cavell, R.G., and Mar, A. (2006) X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of the skutterudites
LaFe4Sb12, CeFe4Sb12, CoSb3, and CoP3. Physical Review B. 74: 125102.
12. Grosvenor, A.P., Cavell, R.G., and Mar, A. (2006) X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of rare-earth filled
skutterdites LaFe4P12 and CeFe4P12. Chemistry of Materials. 18: 1650-1657.
11. Grosvenor, A.P., Biesinger, M.C., Smart, R.St.-C., and McIntyre, N.S. (2006) New interpretations of XPS spectra of
nickel metal and oxides. Surface Science. 600: 1771-1779.
10. Grosvenor, A.P., Wik, S.D., Cavell, R.G., and Mar, A. (2005) An examination of the bonding in binary transition-metal
monophoshides MP (M = Cr, Mn, Fe, Co) by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Inorganic Chemistry. 44: 8988-8998.
9. McIntyre, N.S., Nie, H.-Y., Grosvenor, A.P., Davidson, R.D., and Briggs, D. (2005) XPS studies of
octadecylphosphonic acid (OPA) monolayer interactions with some metal and mineral surfaces. Surface and Interface
Analysis. 37: 749-754.
8. Grosvenor, A.P., Martin, R.R.H., Giuliacci, M., and Biesinger, M.C. (2005) Evaluation of multiple analytical techniques in
the study of leaching from brass fixtures. Canadian Journal of Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy. 50: 97-107.
7. Grosvenor, A.P., Francis, J.T., Kobe, B.A., and McIntyre, N.S. (2005) ToF-SIMS studies of the oxidation of Fe by D2O
vapour: a comparison to XPS. Surface and Interface Analysis. 37: 495-498.
6. Grosvenor, A.P., Kobe, B.A., and McIntyre, N.S. (2005) Activation energies for the oxidation of iron by oxygen gas and
water vapour. Surface Science. 574: 317-321.
5. Grosvenor, A.P., Kobe, B.A., and McIntyre, N.S. (2004) Studies of the oxidation of iron by air after being exposed to
water vapour using angle resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and QUASES. Surface and Interface Analysis. 36:
4. Grosvenor, A.P., Kobe, B.A., Biesinger, M.C., and McIntyre, N.S. (2004) Investigation of multiplet splitting of Fe 2p XPS
spectra and bonding in iron compounds. Surface and Interface Analysis. 36: 1564-1574.
3. Grosvenor, A.P., Kobe, B.A., and McIntyre, N.S. (2004) Studies of the oxidation of iron by water vapour using X-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy and QUASES. Surface Science. 572: 217-227.
2. Grosvenor, A.P., Kobe, B.A., and McIntyre, N.S. (2004) Examination of the oxidation of iron by oxygen using X-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy and QUASES. Surface Science. 565: 151-162.
1. Grosvenor, A.P., Kobe, B.A., McIntyre, N.S., Tougaard, S., and Lennard, W.N. (2004) The use of QUASES/XPS
measurements to determine the oxide composition and thickness on an iron substrate. Surface and Interface Analysis. 36:
Teaching & Supervision
Along with supervising undergraduate and graduate students performing research in solid-state chemistry, I am also involved in teaching both undergraduate and graduate level courses in Chemistry.
Previously taught courses:
Chemistry 112 (undergraduate): General Chemistry
Chemistry 801 (graduate): Materials Chemistry
Materials Chemistry Solid-state Inorganic Chemistry Surface Science X-ray Spectroscopy
My research focuses on studying how structural and compositional changes affect the electronic structure of rare-earth (and transition-metal) oxides, silicates, and pnictides using X-ray spectroscopy. In particular, I am interested in developing materials capable of sequestering nuclear waste. In my group, various materials are synthesized and their electronic structure and surface reactivity to different oxidizing environments are investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and X-ray absorption spectroscopy, using the Canadian Light Source (CLS) and the Advanced Photon Source (APS). Please feel free to contact me if you have questions about my research or available graduate and undergraduate student positions.
Education & Training
B. Sc. (Honours): University of Western Ontario, 2003
M. Sc.: University of Western Ontario, 2005 (Supervisor: Dr. N. S. McIntyre)
Ph. D.: University of Alberta, 2008 (Supervisors: Dr. A Mar and Dr. R. G. Cavell)
Documents & Links
Image Gallery
PANalytical Powder X-ray Diffractometer
Furnaces. 238, Thorvaldson
The Lab! 238, Thorvaldson
Group dinner: August, 2010
Grosvenor Group at the Advanced Photon Source
Grosvenor Group Summer, 2010