Medieval Wonders: Maps, Manuscripts and Beasts
An exhibition of original and reproduction manuscripts of the Middle Ages
Date: Thursday, March 14
Time: 7–9 pm
Location: Murray Library Room 154, 3 Campus Dr., Saskatoon
Free and open to the public | Space is limited; register on Eventbrite
Refreshments will be provided
About this event
This exhibition of original and reproduction manuscripts of the Middle Ages will feature a short introduction by Dr. Sharon Wright (PhD), professor of history in St. Thomas More College, on the most famous medieval map: the Hereford Mappa Mundi. A new facsimile of the Hereford Mappa Mundi has just arrived at the University Archives and Special Collections.
The evening will also feature an exhibit on depictions of animals assembled by special collections librarian David Bindle.
The University Archives and Special Collections holds an impressive collection of original medieval manuscripts and high-end reproductions of some of the greatest manuscripts of Medieval Europe and the Middle East. These include a full-scale reproduction of the great map of the world held in the cathedral in Hereford (UK) as well as other books such as the Domesday Book, the prayer book of Henry VIII, and illustrated medieval manuals for chess, hunting, and health.
Attendees will have the chance to page through the meticulous reproductions of medieval books (some of them printed on parchment and bound to medieval boards) and to see some of the original medieval treasures held in our library. Professor and student guides will also be present to introduce you to the intriguing stories behind some of these manuscripts.
Sponsored by the University of Saskatchewan’s Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies Program and University Archives and Special Collections
Info: cmrs.director@usask.ca