Why Should We Trust Scientists?
A Philosophy in the Community talk by Dr. Sarah Hoffman (PhD), faculty member in the Department of Philosophy
Date: Friday, Jan. 12
Time: 7 pm
Location: The Refinery, Emmanuel Anglican Church, 607 Dufferin Ave., Saskatoon
About this event
Science and scientists have been subjected to increasing public distrust in recent years, worryingly so for many of us during the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Reflecting on whether, when and why we should trust scientists thus seems more important than ever. Drawing on the work of philosopher of science Helen Longino, in this talk I explore why even though scientists individually are just as worthy of distrust as non-scientists, we can locate the real objectivity of science in its social nature and structure. This shows us why trusting science makes sense and why it is a mistake to view scientific disagreement as a ground for distrust.
Philosophy in the Community is a free lecture and discussion series sponsored by the USask Department of Philosophy. Learn more.